吳俊德 - 學術表現





研究領域:(1) 模糊類神經網路(FNN)(2)數位訊號處理(DSP)(3) 中央處理器(CPU)

電話:+886-49-2910960 ext.4700







Journal Papers│期刊論文

[J20] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Linear-Discriminant-Analysis-Based Type-2 Fuzzy-Neural-Network for Speech Detection and Recognition”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1425-1440, November 2018. {SCI, EI; IF=0.315, Ranking=111/116}
[J19] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Dual-Discriminability-Analysis Type-2 Fuzzy-Neural-Network Based Speech Classification for Human-Machine Interaction”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 831-847, July 2016. {SCI, EI; IF=0.315, Ranking=111/116}
[J18] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “An Enhanced Discriminability Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network for Temporal Classification Problems”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 237, pp. 47-62, February 2014. {SCI, EI; IF=1.759, Ranking=11/245= Top 4% in “Category: Mathematics, Applied”}
[J17] G. D. Wu and P. H. Huang, “A Vectorization-Optimization-Method Based Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network for Noisy Data Classification”, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 1-15, February 2013. {SCI, EI; IF=5.484, Ranking=1/114=Top 1%}
[J16] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu, and P. H. Huang, “A TS-Type Maximizing-Discriminability-Based Recurrent Fuzzy Network for Classification Problems”, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 339-352, April 2011. {SCI, EI; IF=5.484, Ranking=1/114=Top 1%}
[J15] G. D. Wu and P. H. Huang, “A Maximizing-Discriminability-Based Self-Organizing Fuzzy Network for Classification Problems”, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 362-373, April 2010. {SCI, EI; IF=5.484, Ranking=1/114=Top 1%}
[J14] S. T. Chen, G. D. Wu, and H. N. Huang, “Wavelet-Domain Audio Watermarking Scheme Using Optimization-Based Quantization”, IET Signal Processing, vol. 4, issue 6, pp. 720-727, December 2010. {SCI, EI; IF=0.714, Ranking=165/242}
[J13] S. T. Chen, H. N. Huang, C. J. Chen, and G. D. Wu, “Energy-Proportion Based Scheme for Audio Watermarking”, IET Signal Processing, vol. 4, issue 5, pp. 576-587, October 2010. {SCI, EI; IF=0.714, Ranking=165/242}
[J12] G. D. Wu and P. H. Huang, “Robust Image Watermarking Using Adaptive Structure Based Wavelet Tree Quantization”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1049-1071, May 2010. {SCI, EI; IF=0.315, Ranking=111/116}
[J11] G. D. Wu and K. T. Kuo, “System-on-Chip Architecture for Speech Recognition”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1073-1089, May 2010. {SCI, EI; IF=0.315, Ranking=111/116}
[J10] G. D. Wu and P. H. Huang, “A Novel Entropy Based Image Watermarking in Wavelet Domain”, IEICE Trans. on Communications (Regular EB), vol. E91-B, no.10, pp. 3313-3325, October 2008. {SCI, EI; IF=0.359, Ranking=53/77}
[J9] G. D. Wu and Y. Lei, “A Register Array Based Low Power FFT Processor for Speech Recognition”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 981-991, May 2008. {SCI, EI; IF=0.315, Ranking=111/116}
[J8] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Chip Design of LPC-cepstrum for Speech Recognition”, International Journal of Computer and Information Science (IJCIS), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1-10, September 2008. {EI}
[J7] G. D. Wu, “A Novel Speech Enhancement Using Low-Cost Dual-ALU Processor for Portable Devices”, WSEAS Trans. on Signal Processing, issue 4, vol. 2, pp. 397-406, April 2006.
[J6] C. T. Lin, J. Y. Lin and G. D. Wu, “A Robust Word Boundary Detection Algorithm for Variable Noise-Level Environment in Cars”, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 89-101, March 2002. {SCI, EI}
[J5] C. T. Lin, R. C. Wu, and G. D. Wu, “Noisy Speech Segmentation/Enhancement with Multiband Analysis and Neural Fuzzy Network”, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 927~955 , November 2002. {EI}
[J4] G. D. Wu and C. T. Lin, “A Recurrent Neural Fuzzy Network for Word Boundary Detection in Variable Noise-Level Environments”, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 84-97, February 2001. {SCI, EI}
[J3] G. D. Wu and C. T. Lin, “Word Boundary Detection with Mel-Scale Frequency Bank in Noisy Environment”, IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 541-554, September 2000. {SCI, EI}
[J2] G. D. Wu and C. T. Lin, “A Recurrent Neural Fuzzy Network for Word Boundary Detection in Noisy Environment”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 31-38, March 2000. {EI}
[J1] C. T. Lin, G. D. Wu and S. C. Hsiao, “New Techniques on Deformed Image Motion Estimation and Compensation”, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 846-859, December 1999. {SCI, EI}


Conference Papers│會議論文

[C33]G. D. Wu and Hao-Shu Tsai, “Fuzzy-Neural-Network Based Audio-Visual Fusion for Speech Recognition”, 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC 2019), Okinawa, Japan, pp. 210-214, February 11-13, 2019. {EI}
[C32] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Fuzzy Neural Network with Audio-Visual Data for Voice Activity Detection in Noisy Environments”, 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS 2018), Singapore, pp. 137-141, March 1-3, 2018. {EI}
[C31] G. D. Wu and L. H. Lee, “Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network for Lip Activity Detection”, 2017 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Kenting, Taiwan, pp. 1-4, November 12-15, 2017. {EI}
[C30] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “A Maximizing-Discriminability-Based Architecture for Fuzzy-Neural-Network Hardware”, 2017 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2017), Singapore, February 24-26, 2017. {EI}
[C29] G. D. Wu and P. J. Wu, “Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network for Voice Activity Detection”, 2016 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 126-129, November 9-11, 2016. {EI}
[C28] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu, and C. W. Chien, “A Sparse-Sensing-Based Wall-Following Control Design for a Mobile-Robot”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE 2016), Singapore, pp. 75~79, April 2-4, 2016. {EI}
[C27] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks for Speech Detection”, 2015 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Yilan, Taiwan, pp. 39~42, November 18-20, 2015. {EI}
[C26] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu and A. T. Li, “Image Classification by PCA and LDA Based Fuzzy Neural Networks”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2015), Singapore, pp. 1016~1019, July 21-24, 2015. {EI}
[C25] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Matrix-MCE Based Fuzzy Neural Network for Speech Recognition”, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA 2014), Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 546~550, June 18-20, 2014. {EI}
[C24] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu and Y. T. Chang, “Chip Design of Memory-Architecture-Based Minimum-Classification-Error”, IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Singapore, pp. 1~4, April 21-24, 2014. {EI}
[C23] G. D. Wu, and Z. W. Zhu, “Chip Design of Fuzzy Neural Networks for Face Recognition in Mobile-Robots”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA 2013), Hangzhou, China, pp. 619~622, June 12-14, 2013. {EI}
[C22] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu and An-Tai Li, “Fuzzy Neural Networks for Speech Endpoint Detection”, 2012 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 7~9, November 16-18, 2012.
[C21] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu and An-Tai Li, “Fuzzy-Neural-Processor Hardware Implementation”, The 20th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 118~123, November 16-18, 2012.
[C20] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Speech Recognition with Matrix-MCE Based Two-Dimension-Cepstrum in Cars”, The 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 398~401, November 5-8, 2012.
[C19] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu and B. W. Lin, “Reconfigurable Back Propagation Based Neural Network Architecture”, The 13th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), Singapore, pp. 71~74, December 12-14, 2011. {EI}
[C18] G. D. Wu, Z. W. Zhu and H. Y. Chang, “Memory-Bank Based Radix-2^2 Fast Fourier Transform”, The 13th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), Singapore, pp. 75~78, December 12-14, 2011. {EI}
[C17] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Fuzzy-Inference-Type Processor Chip Design”, The 19th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its application, Yunlin, Taiwan, CD-ROM, November 18-19, 2011.
[C16] G. D. Wu and T. Y. Hung, “Matrix-MCE Based Two-Dimension-Cepstrum for Speech Recognition”, Proc. of 2011 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, Nantou, Taiwan, CD-ROM, June 17-18, 2011.
[C15] G. D. Wu and K. T. Kuo, “Dual-ALU Processor for Speech Signal Processing”, The 22nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing, Nantou, Taiwan, pp. 311~319, September 1-2, 2010.
[C14] G. D. Wu and Y. Lei, “PDA Based MFCC for Speech Recognition”, The 21st VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 663~666, August 3-6, 2010.
[C13] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “FFT-Based Daul-ALU Processor for Speech Enhancement”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Seoul, Korea, pp. 800~803, July 5-8, 2009. {EI}
[C12] G. D. Wu and Y. M. Liu, “Radix-2^2 Based Low Power Reconfigurable FFT Processor”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Seoul, Korea, pp. 1134~1138, July 5-8, 2009. {EI}
[C11] G. D. Wu and Y. Lei, “Parallel Dual-Accumulator Based Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient for Speech Recognition”, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 08), Seattle, Washington, USA, CD-ROM, July 21-22, 2008. {EI}
[C10] G. D. Wu “A Novel Single-Channel Speech Enhancement in Noisy Environments”, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 08), Seattle, Washington, USA, CD-ROM, July 21-22, 2008. {EI}
[C9] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Chip Design of LPC-cepstrum for Speech Recognition”, Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 43~47, July 11-13, 2007. {EI}
[C8] G. D. Wu and P. H. Huang, “Image Watermarking Using Structure Based Wavelet Tree Quantization”, Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 315~319, July 11-13, 2007. {EI}
[C7] G. D. Wu and K. T. Kuo, “Dual-ALU Structure Processor for Speech Recognition”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp. 193~196, April 24-26, 2006. {EI}
[C6] G. D. Wu and Y. Lei “Low Power Pipelined Radix-2 FFT Processor for Speech Recognition”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp. 299~303, April 24-26, 2006. {EI}
[C5] G. D. Wu, “An Entropy-Based Neural Fuzzy Network Estimation for Speech Enhancement”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hawaii, USA, vol. 1, pp. 804~809, October 10-12, 2005. {EI}
[C4] G. D. Wu, “A Novel Background Noise Estimation in Adverse Environments”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hawaii, USA, vol. 2, pp. 1843~1847, October 10-12, 2005. {EI}
[C3] G. D. Wu and C. T. Lin, “Noisy Speech Segmentation with Multiband Analysis and Recurrent Neural Fuzzy Network,” Proc. of the 9th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, vol. 1, pp. 540~544, July 2001. {EI}
[C2] G. D. Wu and C. T. Lin, “Speech Segmentation with the Recurrent Neural Fuzzy Network in Variable Noise-Level Environments,” Proc. of 2000 Eighth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Taiwan, R.O.C., 2000.
[C1] G. D. Wu and C. T. Lin, “A Neural Fuzzy Network for Word Boundary Detection in Noisy Environment, ” Proc. of the 8th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 703~707, August 17-20, 1999. {EI}


Patents (Single Inventor)│專利 (皆為單一發明人)

[P20] G. D. Wu,“Audio Downmix Apparatus with Dynamic-Range Control and Method for the Same”, P.R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 537359, August 19, 2009.
[P19] G. D. Wu,“Multiple Step Adaptive Method for Time Scaling”, P.R.O.C. Patent No. 429373, September 24, 2008.
[P18] G. D. Wu,“Audio Downmix Apparatus with Dynamic-Range Control and Method for the Same”, United States No. US 7403627, July 22, 2008.
[P17] G. D. Wu,“Method and Apparatus for Emulating Audio Effect”, United States No. US 7400734, July 15, 2008.
[P16] G. D. Wu,“Multiple Step Adaptive Method for Time Scaling”, United States No. US 7337109, February 26, 2008.
[P15] G. D. Wu,“Method and Related Apparatus for Determining Vocal Channel by Occurrences Frequency of Zeros-Crossing”, P.R.O.C. Patent No. 384321, March 19, 2008.
[P14] G. D. Wu,“Method of Setting A Transfer Function of An Adaptive Filter”, United States Patent No. US 7277907, October 2, 2007.
[P13] G. D. Wu,“Nonlinear Overlap Method for Time Scaling”, United States Patent No. US 7173986, February 6, 2007.
[P12] G. D. Wu,“Method and Apparatus for Emulating Audio Effect”, P.R.O.C. Patent No. 330298, June 13, 2007.
[P11] G. D. Wu,“Method for Calculation A Pitch Period Estimation of Speech Signals with Variable Step Size”, P.R.O.C. Patent No. 276458, August 2, 2006.
[P10] G. D. Wu,“Nonlinear Overlap Method for Time Scaling”, P.R.O.C. Patent No. 253140, March 8, 2006.
[P9] G. D. Wu,“Adaptive Multiple Levels Step-Sized Method for Time Scaling”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 259994, August 11, 2006.
[P8] G. D. Wu,“Method and Apparatus for Processing Audio Signals”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 246866, January 1, 2006.
[P7] G. D. Wu,“Method of Setting A Transfer Function of An Adaptive Filter”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 246056, December 21, 2005.
[P6] G. D. Wu,“Method and Related Apparatus for Determining Vocal Channel by Occurrences Frequency of Zeros-Crossing”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 243356, November 11, 2005.
[P5] G. D. Wu,“Audio Downmix Apparatus with Dynamic-Range Control and Method for the Same”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 233091, May 21, 2005.
[P4] G. D. Wu,“Method of Generating Output Voice Data in A Predetermined Time Period”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 229316, March 11, 2005.
[P3] G. D. Wu,“Method and Apparatus for Emulating Audio Effect”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 225758, December 21, 2004.
[P2] G. D. Wu,“Method for Calculation A Pitch Period Estimation of Speech Signals with Variable Step Size”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 225637, December 21, 2004.
[P1] G. D. Wu,“Nonlinear Overlap Method for Time Scaling”, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 221561, October 1, 2004.


Technical Reports│技術文章

[T2] G. D. Wu and Z. W. Zhu, “Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy-Neural-Processor”, The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), vol. 23, issue 3, pp. 6-15, Auguest 2012.
[T1] G. D. Wu, “The design of an application specific processor for speech recognition”, The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), vol. 21, issue 3, pp. 2-14, June 2010.



[*] 2018/8/1~2019/7/31: An application specific processor with fuzzy-neural-network based dual-discriminability-analysis and its application to speech recognition. (MOST 107-2221-E-260 -011)
[*] 2018/8/1~2019/7/31: The study of exploiting robust principal component analysis and wavelet transform for deep learning-based speech enhancement and robust speech recognition. (MOST 107-2221-E-260 -010)
[*] 2017/8/1~2018/7/31: Type-2 fuzzy-neural-network based audio-visual data fusion for voice activity detection. (MOST 106-2221-E-260 -007)
[*] 2017/8/1~2018/7/31: Novel data analysis for speech enhancement in reverberant environments. (MOST 106-2221-E-260 -006)
[*] 2016/8/1~2017/7/31: An application specific processor for recurrent fuzzy-neuralnetwork and its application to speech recognition. (MOST 105-2221-E-260-010)
[*] 2016/8/1~2017/7/31: The study of refining the dynamics of complex-valued acoustic spectra for speech enhancement and robust speech recognition. (MOST 105-2221-E-260-009)
[*] 2013/8/1~2016/7/31: An application specific processor for discriminability-optimization-based fuzzy-neural-network and its application to speech recognition. (NSC 102-2221-E-260-005-MY3)
[*] 2013/8/1~2015/7/31: The study of robust and compact speech feature representation for noise-corrupted speech recognition. (NSC 102-2221-E-260-006-MY2)
[*] 2012/8/1~2013/7/31: Fuzzy-neural-network-based processor design and its application to speech recognition. (NSC 101-2221-E-260-013)
[*] 2012/8/1~2013/7/31: Modulation spectrum shaping and factorization for noise-robust speech recognition. (NSC 101-2221-E-260-014)
[*] 2011/9/1~2013/1/31: Network and communication teaching project.
[*] 2011/8/1~2012/7/31: Inference-type processor design and its application for speech recognition. (NSC 100-2221-E-260-033)
[*] 2011/8/1~2012/7/31: The enhancement of speech features in different domains for robust speech recognition. (NSC 100-2221-E-260-032)
[*] 2009/8/1~2011/7/31: Study of advanced feature statistics normalization for robust speech recognition. (NSC 98-2221-E-260-012-MY2)
[*] 2009/8/1~2010/7/31: Radix 2^2 FFT based entropy-type speech enhancement SOC design. (NSC 98-2221-E-260-028)
[*] 2008/8/1~2009/7/31: The chip development of an application specific processor for speaker identification. (NSC 97-2221-E-260-030)
[*] 2008/8/1~2009/7/31: Research on the normalization of speech recognition features in the modulation frequency domain under noisy environments. (NSC 97-2221-E-260-031)
[*] 2007/8/1~2008/7/31: Entropy-based linear-prediction speech enhancement development and its chip implementation. (NSC 96-2221-E-260-028)
[*] 2007/8/1~2008/7/31: Research on the Robustness Techniques of Voice Activity Detection and Feature Compensation for Noisy Speech Recognition. (NSC 96-2221-E-260-030)
[*] 2006/12/1~2008/1/31: Embedded system software teaching project.
[*] 2005/2/1~2007/1/31: VLSI and system design teaching project.
[*] 2006/8/1~2007/7/31: Entropy-based noise-estimation develop and its application for speech enhancement. (NSC 95-2221-E-260-022)
[*] 2006/8/1~2007/7/31: Research on the design of data-driven temporal filters in modulation frequency domain for robust speech recognition. (NSC 95-2221-E-260-019)
[*] 2005/8/1~2006/7/31: The development of an application specific processor for speech recognition. (NSC 94-2213-E-260-010)
[*] 2004/8/1~2005/7/31: Adaptive Subtractive-Type Speech Enhancement Development with Multiband Analysis. (NSC 93-2218-E-260-002)

Professional Activities│學術活動

[*] 2019, June 7-9: Program committee member at the 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICAC I2019), Guilin, China.
[*] 2018, March 1-3: Program committee member at the 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS 2018), Singapore.
[*] 2016, Nov. 9-11, Session chair at the 2016 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Taichung, Taiwan.
[*] 2016, April 2-4: Program committee member at the IEEE International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (IEEE ICCRE 2016), Singapore.
[*] 2014, June 18-20: Program committee member and session chair at the 11th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA 2014), Taichung, Taiwan.
[*] 2014, April 21-24: Session chair at the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (IEEE ISSNIP), Singapore.
[*] 2013, The Excellent Talented Person Award by National Science Coucil. │ 國科會102年度「特殊優秀人才獎勵」
[*] 2013, 101學年度電機系碩士班碩士論文評選-系統組第一名。
[*] 2012, The Excellent Talented Person Award by National Science Coucil. │ 國科會101年度「特殊優秀人才獎勵」
[*] 2012, Dec. 14: Invited Speaker at「教育部補助辦理網路通訊重點領域學程」多媒體語音通訊技術研討會, Puli, Nan-Tou, Taiwan.
[*] 2012, Sept. 21-22, Program committee member at the 24nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING-2012), Chung-Li, Taiwan.
[*] 2011, June 17-18, Program committee member at the Conference on National Symposium on System Science and Engineering (NSSSE 2011), Puli, Nan-Tou, Taiwan.
[*] 2011, Sept. 8-9, Program committee member at the 23nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING-2011), Taipei, Taiwan.
[*] 2011,採用自行開發的中央處理器(CPU)設計[數位錄放音機],榮獲暨大科技學院優等獎。
[*] 2010, Sept. 1-2, Program committee member at the 22nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING-2010 ), Puli, Nan-Tou, Taiwan.
[*] 2009, July 5-8: Session Chair at the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Seoul, Korea.
[*] 2008, 暨大科技學院大學部專題研究競賽佳作獎。
[*] 2006, Sept. 14: Invited Speaker at the System Level Design (SLD) Consortium Forum, Nan-Tou, Taiwan.
[*] 2005, October 10-12, Session Chair at the IEEE SMC 2005 conference in Hawaii, USA.
[*] 2004, Invited Speaker at the Design Automation and Testing (DAT) Consortium, Lakeshore Hotel, Hsinchu, Taiwan.