林佑昇 - 學術表現





研究領域:(1)RFID 晶片設計(2)射頻積體電路設計(3)無線生醫感測網路系統單晶片設計(4)顯示器驅動電路設計

電話:+886-49-2910960 ext.4701

Email: stephenlin@ncnu.edu.tw





AJournal Papers


[3] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and analysis of a wideband K/Ka-band CMOS LNA using coupled-TL feedback," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 1851-1855, Jun. 2023. (SCI)

[4] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and B. S. Chen, "Wideband millimeter-wave power divider and SPDT switch using inverting spiral-coupled-line," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1575-1579, Apr. 2023. (SCI)

[5] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "SPDT switch using l/9-TL-based-l/4-TL and DTMOS with floating R for 28 GHz 5G new radio," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 1536-1539, Nov. 2023. (SCI)

[6] Y. S. Lin, C. Y. Huang, C. T. Huang, J. F. Chang, N. W. Tien, and Y. H. Chuang, "Design and analysis of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor single-pole double-throw switches for 28 GHz 5G new radio," Electronics, vol. 12, no. 19, pp. 4156 (1-14), Oct. 2023. (SCI)

[7] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "A 12.4-32 GHz CMOS down-conversion mixer for 28 GHz 5G new radio (NR)," Applied Sciences, vol. 13, pp. 2305 (1-11), Feb. 2023. (SCI)


[6] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "5.85 mW 3.1-23.7 GHz Two-Stage CMOS VGA with 2.53 dB NFmin Using Concurrent Current Steering," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1331-1334, Nov. 2022. (SCI)

[7] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "7.4-mW 22.7-29.7 GHz CMOS VGA with 23.7 dB (19.2~ -4.5 dB) Gain Tuning Range and 3.26 dB NFavg," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 1075-1078, Sep. 2022. (SCI)

[8] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 13.7-mW 21-29 GHz CMOS LNA with 21.6 dB Gain and 2.74 dB NF for 28 GHz 5G Systems," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 137-140, Feb. 2022. (SCI)

[9] Y. S. Lin, J. F. Chang, K. S. Lan, and Y. J. Chen, "28 GHz Coupled-Line-Based CMOS Power Combiners and Phase Shifter, and Power Amplifiers with the Power Combiners," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 110, no. 3, pp. 469-487, Mar. 2022. (SCI)

[10] Y. S. Lin, C. T. Huang, B. S. Chen, and J. F. Chang, "Design and Analysis of Noninverting Single-Spiral CMOS Wilkinson Power Dividers and their QCs and Baluns," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 110, no. 3, pp. 499-516, Mar. 2022. (SCI)

[11] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Analysis of a High-Performance 90-101 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier," International Journal of Electronics, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 38-57, Jan. 2022. (SCI)

[12] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and Y. C. Peng, "Ka-band compact four-way power dividers and variable-gain low-noise amplifier for 5G communications," Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol. 43, pp. 125-149, Jan. 2022. (SCI)

[13] Y. S. Lin, C. T. Huang, and J. Y. Chen, "77/154 GHz Push-Push VCO with Phase-Noise- and Output-Power-Enhanced Off-State Parallel Transistors in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 112, no. 2, pp. 301-315, Aug. 2022. (SCI)

[14] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "Complementary Current-Reused 3.7-11.9 GHz LNA Using Body-Floating and Self-Bias Technique for Sub-6 GHz 5G Communications," Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 5968-5989, Nov. 2022. (SCI)


[15] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Spiral-Coupled-Line-Based Wilkinson Power Divider," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 241-244, Mar. 2021. (SCI)

[16] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Realization of a Compact and High-Performance Power Divider Using Parallel RC Isolation Network," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 1368-1372, Apr. 2021. (SCI)

[17] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "3-9 GHz CMOS LNA Using Body Floating and Self- Bias Technique for Sub-6 GHz 5G Communications," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 608-611, Jun. 2021. (SCI)

[18] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and C. W. Wang, "Design and Analysis of 73-106 GHz CMOS Injection-Locked Frequency Divider," International Journal of Electronics, vol. 108, no. 4, pp. 525-542, Apr. 2021. (SCI)

[19] Y. S. Lin, B. T. Yeh, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Implementation of Coupler- Based Ka-Band CMOS Power Splitters," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 25-36, Jul. 2021. (SCI)

[20] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Analysis of Low-Insertion-Loss G-Band CMOS Four-Way Wilkinson Power Dividers and Dual Balun," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 108, no. 2, pp. 363-375, Aug. 2021. (SCI)

[21] Y. S. Lin, J. F. Chang, and B. T. Yeh, "Coupled-Line-Based Millimeter-Wave CMOS Spiral Power Dividers with Tapered TLs," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 625-637, Dec. 2021. (SCI)

[22] C. C. Yang, K. C. Dao, Y. S. Lin, T. Y. Cheng, K. F. Chen, and Y. P. Tsai, "The effects of wavelength, hole-scavenger and oxygen on photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium over titanium dioxide photocatalyst," Water, vol. 13, no. 16, pp. 2291-2306, Aug. 2021. (SCI)

[23] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "High linearity DC-38 GHz CMOS SPDT switch," Applied Sciences, vol. 11, pp. 9402 (1-7), Oct. 2021. (SCI)


[24] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Coupled-Line-Based Ka-Band CMOS Power Dividers,"    IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 253-256, Mar. 2020. (SCI)

[25] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Analysis of CMOS Baluns for 94 GHz Image Radar and 28 GHz 5G Communication System," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 435-450, Jun. 2020. (SCI)

[26] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Implementation of a 60~113 GHz Down- Conversion Mixer in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 109-119, Aug. 2020. (SCI)

[27] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "94 GHz Eight-Way Power Amplifier with High Output Power and Power-Added Efficiency in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 131-144, Aug. 2020. (SCI)

[28] Y. S. Lin, S. F. Chiu, and C. H. Chang, "A 24 GHz Hydrology Radar System Capable of Wide-Range Surface Velocity Detection for Water Resource Management Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 3463-3475, Nov. 2020. (SCI)

[29] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Quadrature Coupler and Power Dividers," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 105, no. 3, pp. 319-334, Dec. 2020. (SCI)


[30] Y. S. Lin, and Y. E. Wang, "Design and Analysis of a 94-GHz CMOS Down- Conversion Mixer with CCPT-RL-Based IF Load," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3148-3161, Aug. 2019. (SCI)

[31] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "RF-DC Converter and DC-DC Converter for UHF and Microwave Wireless Power Transfer (UWPT/MWPT)," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 585-599, Dec. 2019. (SCI)

[32] Y. S. Lin, and Y. W. Lin, "Design and Implementation of 75-110 GHz Elliptical Dual Balun in 90 nm CMOS for W-Band Transceiver," International Journal of Electronics, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 267-286, Feb. 2019. (SCI)

[33] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and C. H. Peng, "A High-Performance W-Band CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer Using Micromixer-Based Gain Enhancement Technique," International Journal of Electronics, vol. 106, no. 11, pp. 1660-1678, Nov. 2019. (SCI)

[34] Y. S. Lin, and M. H. Kao, "A W-Band CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer Using CMOS-Inverter-Based RF GM Stage for Conversion Gain and Linearity Enhancement," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 133-146, Apr. 2019. (SCI)

[35] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Low Power W-Band Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency Dividers with Wide Locking Range in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 177-189, Apr. 2019. (SCI)

[36] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "W-Band Low-Noise Amplifier Using l/2-Spiral- Inductor-Based Positive Feedback Technique in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 679-691, Jun. 2019. (SCI)

[37] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and H. C. Lin, "W-band CMOS Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider with 23.5-GHz Locking Range Using Distributed LC Network and Power Matching and Body Bias Techniques," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 707-721, Jun. 2019. (SCI)

[38] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "W-Band Power Amplifier with High Output Power and Power-Added Efficiency in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 31-46, Jul. 2019. (SCI)


[39] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, C. C. Wang, and H. C. Lin, "77 GHz Phase-Locked Loop for Automobile Radar System in 90-nm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 546-555, Mar. 2018. (SCI)

[40] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, M. Y. Chuang, and Y. C. Lin, "A Low Power and Low Phase-Noise 91~96 GHz VCO in 90 nm CMOS," International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 1063-1077, Jun. 2018. (SCI)

[41] Y. S. Lin, C. H. Hu, C. H. Chang, and P. C. Tsao, "One- and Two-Dimensional Antenna Arrays for Microwave WPT Systems and Dual-Antenna Transceivers," International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 993-1010, Jun. 2018. (SCI)

[42] Y. S. Lin, and M. H. Kao, "Design and Analysis of Four-Way Power Divider for 94 GHz Power Amplifiers in 90 nm CMOS Process," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 53-66, Jul. 2018. (SCI)


[43] Y. S. Lin, and V. K. Nguyen, "94 GHz CMOS Power Amplifiers Using Miniature Dual Y-Shaped Combiner with RL Load," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 1285-1298, Jun. 2017. (SCI)

[44] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, and J. M. Liu, "94 GHz Down-Conversion Mixer with Gain Enhanced Gilbert Cell in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 1-11, Oct. 2017. (SCI)

[45] Y. S. Lin, M. H. Kao, H. R. Pan, and K. S. Lan, "A 90~96 GHz CMOS Down- Conversion Mixer with High Conversion Gain and Excellent LO-RF Isolation," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 49-59, Oct. 2017. (SCI)

[46] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and J. W. Gao, "A Wideband CMOS Power Amplifier for 77 GHz Automobile Radar and 94 GHz Image Radar Systems," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 2112-2122, Sep. 2017. (SCI)

[47] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, C. C. Wang, and G. H. Li, "Design and Implementation of a 94 GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with Integrated Miniature Planar Baluns for Image Radar Sensors," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 91, no. 3, pp. 353-365, Jun. 2017. (SCI)

[48] Y. S. Lin, Y. C. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Implementation of a 94/188 GHz Dual-Band VCO with Gain-Enhanced Frequency Doubler in 90 nm CMOS," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 675-681, Mar. 2017. (SCI)


[49] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chi, and S. S. Lu, "6.3 mW 94 GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with 11.6 dB Gain and 54 dB LO-RF Isolation," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 604-606, Aug. 2016. (SCI)

[50] Y. S. Lin, and Y. W. Lin, "Miniature 60 GHz CMOS Dual Balun with Excellent Amplitude and Phase Properties," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 295-296, Feb. 2016. (SCI)

[51] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, and C. Y. Lee, "A Wideband CMOS Power Amplifier with 23.3 dB S21, 10.6 dBm PSAT and 12.3% PAE for 60 GHz WPAN and 77 GHz Automobile Radar Systems," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 65-75, Jan. 2016. (SCI)

[52] Y. S. Lin, V. K. Nguyen, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, Y. W. Lin, R. C. Liu, and C. C. Ji, "A High Gain and High Linearity 94 GHz CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer Using Negative Resistance Compensation and Simplified Modified Derivative Superposition Techniques," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 241-253, Feb. 2016. (SCI)

[53] Y. S. Lin, and Y. W. Lin, "Design and Analysis of Miniature Planar Four-Way Equal Power Divider for 60 GHz Wireless Home Network and 77 GHz Automobile Radars in 90 nm CMOS," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 850-860, Apr. 2016. (SCI)

[54] Y. S. Lin, V. K. Nguyen, R. C. Liu, C. C. Wang, and C. C. Ji, "A High- Performance 94 GHz Double-Balanced Up-Conversion Mixer for Imaging Radar Sensors in 90 nm CMOS," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 21-33, Apr. 2016. (SCI)

[55] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, and C. Y. Lee, "7.2 mW CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier with 17.3 dB Gain and 7.7 dB NF for 76~77 GHz Long-Range and 77~81 GHz Short-Range Automotive Radars," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 1-9, Apr. 2016. (SCI)


[54] C. W. Lu, Y. C. Huang, and Y. S. Lin, "Area Efficient Fully RDAC based TFT LCD Column Driver Architectures with DAC Sharing Techniques," IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 689-697, Sep. 2015. (SCI)

[55] Y. S. Lin, G. H. Li, and N. V. Hieu, "A 75~85 GHz Down-Conversion Mixer with Integrated Marchand Baluns in 90 nm CMOS with Excellent Matching and Port- to-Port Isolation for Automotive Radars," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 73-80, Jan. 2015. (SCI)

[56] Y. S. Lin, and H. M. Lin, "A 60 GHz Power Amplifier with Psat of 13.1 dBm, PAE of 11% and Excellent Matching in 90 nm CMOS for 60 GHz Short-Range Communication Systems," Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 229-239, Jan. 2015. (SCI)

[57] Y. S. Lin, and R. C. Liu, "A Low-Power, High-Gain and Low-Noise 5~6 GHz CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier with Excellent Reverse Isolation for IEEE 802.11 n/ac WLAN Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 296-304, Feb. 2015. (SCI)

[58] Y. S. Lin, and J. H. Lee, "A Low Power and Low Noise 60-GHz CMOS Receiver Front-End with High Conversion Gain and Excellent Port-to-Port Isolation," Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 119-128, May. 2015. (SCI)

[59] Y. S. Lin, and C. Y. Lee, "9.99 mW 4.8 dB NF 57~81 GHz CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier for 60 GHz WPAN System and 77 GHz Automobile Radar System," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 594-600, Mar. 2015. (SCI)

[60] Y. S. Lin, and R. C. Liu, "A 7.3 mW W-Band Double-Balanced Up-Conversion Mixer with 7.3 dB Conversion Gain and 65.5 dB LO-RF Isolation in 90 nm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 879-886, Apr. 2015. (SCI)

[61] Y. S. Lin, R. C. Liu, and C. C. Wang, "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance W-Band Up-Conversion Mixer in 90 nm CMOS," Smart Science, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 142-147, Jul. 2015.


[62] Y. S. Lin, W. C. Wen, and C. C. Wang, "13.6 mW 79 GHz CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer with 2.1 dB Gain and 35.9 dB LO-RF Isolation," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 126-128, Feb. 2014. (SCI)

[63] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, G. L. Lee, and C. C. Chen, "High-Performance Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Using Enhanced p-Match Input Network," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 200-202, Mar. 2014. (SCI)

[64] Y. S. Lin, G. L. Lee, and C. C. Wang, "Low-Power 77~81 GHz CMOS LNA with Excellent Matching for Automotive Radars," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 207-209, 2014. (SCI)

[65] Y. S. Lin, and G. H. Li, "13 mW 80 GHz Down-Conversion Mixer with 1.5 dB Gain and 49.2 dB LO-RF Isolation," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 50, no. 20, pp. 1449-1451, 2014. (SCI)

[66] Y. S. Lin, and J. N. Chang, "A 24-GHz Power Amplifier with Psat of 15.9 dBm and PAE of 14.6% Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 427-435, Jun. 2014. (SCI)

[67] Y. S. Lin, W. C. Wen, and T. M. Tsai, "A 12.1 mW 50~67 GHz CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer with 6 dB Conversion Gain and 30.7 dB LO-RF Isolation," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 475-483, Feb. 2014. (SCI)

[68] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, and J. H. Lee, "Design and Implementation of a 1.9~22.5 GHz CMOS Wideband LNA With Dual-RLC-Branch Wideband Input and Output Matching Networks," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 677-684, Mar. 2014. (SCI)

[69] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, G. L. Lee, and C. C. Chen, "A High-Performance Low-Noise Amplifier for 71~76, 76~77 and 77~81 GHz Communication Systems in 90 nm CMOS," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 1673-1680, Jul. 2014. (SCI)

[70] Y. S. Lin, and Wei-Chen Wen, "Design and Implementation of a W-Band High-Performance Double-Balanced Active Up-Conversion Mixer in 90 nm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1812-1819, Aug. 2014. (SCI)

[71] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, and J. H. Lee, "A Low-Power, Low-Noise and High Linearity 60 GHz Wideband  CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier for Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Systems," Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 39-47, Jul. 2014. (SCI)

[72] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, G. L. Lee, and C. H. Wang, "Analysis and Design of a Compact Ultra-Wideband LNA with 2.3±0.1 dB NF and ±14.6 ps Group- Delay-Variation in 0.18 mm CMOS," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 2047-2053, Sep. 2014. (SCI)

[73] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, Y. C. Liao, and S. S. Lu, "Design and Implementation of Intra-Body Communication (IBC) Hub/Alarm Unit in IBC Platform for Fall Prevention System," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 2345-2351, Oct. 2014. (SCI)

[74] Y. S. Lin, F. C. Liu, and W. C. Wen, "Design and Implementation of Squared and Octagonal W-Band CMOS Marchand Baluns for W-Band Communication Systems," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 2205-2211, Oct. 2014. (SCI)

[75] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, M. C. Lin and C. H. Wang, "Enhancement of Sensitivity of RF Modules for Wireless Health Care and Home Security Systems," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 2563-2568, Nov. 2014. (SCI)


[76] J. H. Lee, and Y. S. Lin, "60 GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with 15.46 dB Gain and 64.7 dB LO-RF Isolation," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 264-266, 2013. (SCI)

[77] J. H. Lee, and Y. S. Lin, "3.88-dB NF 60-GHz CMOS UWB LNA with Small Group-Delay-Variation," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 472-474, 2013. (SCI)

[78] C. W. Lu, C. M. Hsiao, Y. S. Lin, M. C. F. Chang, "A 10-Bit DAC with 1.6-Bit Interpolation Cells for Compact LCD Column Driver ICs," IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 176-183, 2013. (SCI)

[79] C. W. Lu, C. M. Hsiao, and Y. S. Lin, "A 10-Bit DAC with Offset-Adjustable Op-Amp for LCD Column Driver Applications," Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 651-660, Mar. 2013. (SCI)

[80] J. H. Lee, and Y. S. Lin, "60-GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with Current -Reused RF Single-to-Differential Converter and Integrated Marchand Balun," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1937-1946, Aug. 2013. (SCI)

[81] T. M. Tsai, Y. S. Lin, and W. C. Wen, "A Low Power and High Conversion Gain 60-GHz CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer Using Current Injection and Dual Negative Resistance Compensation Techniques," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1830-1836, Aug. 2013. (SCI)

[82] T. M. Tsai, and Y. S. Lin, "A 60-GHz Double-Balanced Mixer with Negative Resistance Compensation for Direct Up-Conversion Using 90-nm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 536-543, 2013. (SCI)

[83] J. N. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A High-Performance CMOS Power Amplifier for 60 GHz Short-Range Communication Systems," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1155-1160, 2013. (SCI)

[84] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A High-Voltage Driving 60 GHz Power Amplifier with Psat of 13 dBm and PAE of 9.1% in 90 nm CMOS for IEEE 802.11ad Communication Systems," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 2033-2039, Sep. 2013. (SCI)

[85] C. H. Wu, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "A 3.1~10.6 GHz Current-Reused CMOS Ultra-Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Using Self-Forward Body Bias and Forward Combining Techniques," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 2296-2302, Oct. 2013. (SCI)


[86] Y. S. Lin, J. H. Lee, S. L. Huang, C. H. Wang, C. C. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "Design and Analysis of a 21~29 GHz Ultra-Wideband Receiver Front-End in 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IEEE Trans. On Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2590-2604, Aug. 2012. (SCI)

[87] C.W. Lu; P. Y. Yin, C. M. Hsiao, M. C. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 10-bit Resistor-Floating-Resistor-String DAC (RFR-DAC) for High Color-Depth LCD Driver ICs," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 2454-2466, Oct. 2012. (SCI)

[88] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "3.2~9.7 GHz Ultra-Wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Excellent Stop-band Rejection," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 44-45, Jan. 2012. (SCI)

[89] T. M. Tsai, and Y. S. Lin, "15.1 mW 60 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer with 4.5 dB Gain and 57.5 dB LO-RF Isolation," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48, no. 14, pp. 844-845, Jul. 2012. (SCI)

[90] J. N. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "60 GHz CMOS power amplifier with Psat of 11.4 dBm and PAE of 15.8%," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48, no. 17, pp. 1038-1039, Aug. 2012. (SCI)

[91] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "DC-10.5-GHz CMOS Distributed Amplifier with RC Gate Terminal Network for UWB Pulse Radio Systems," IET Trans. on Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 127-134, Feb. 2012. (SCI)

[92] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, " A 9.45 mW 3~9 GHz Receiver Frond-End with Excellent Stop-band Rejection for UWB Systems Using 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IET Trans. on Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 282-289, Mar. 2012. (SCI)

[93] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, P. W. Yu, J. H. Lee, and S. S. Lu, "A 0.63 V, 1.7 mW, 11.55 GHz Low Phase-Noise QVCO with Intrinsic-Tuned Technique in 0.18 mm CMOS," IET Trans. on Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation, vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 1437-1442, 2012. (SCI)

[94] Y. S. Lin, P. L. Huang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "A Novel Coplanar-Waveguide (CPW) Band-Pass Filter Utilizing the Inductor-Capacitor (LC) Structure in 0.18 mm Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Technology for Millimeter-Wave Applications," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 51, pp. 034201-1~034201-4, Mar. 2012. (SCI)

[95] Y. C. Chen, C. H. Wang, and Y. S. Lin, "A Low-Power 24 GHz CMOS Receiver Front-End Using Isolation Enhancement Technique for Automotive Radar Systems," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1471-1476, Jun. 2012. (SCI)

[96] C. Y. Lin, C. H. Cheng, J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "1-dB Insertion-Loss 1~14.3 GHz Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1044-1047, Apr. 2012. (SCI)

[97] C. H. Wu, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "A 11.81 mW 3.1~10.6 GHz Ultra- Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier with 2.87±0.19 dB NF and 12.52±0.81 dB Gain Using 0.18 um CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1145-1450, Jun. 2012. (SCI)

[98] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, C. C. Hsiao, and Y. H. Chou, "A High- Performance IBC-Hub Transceiver for Intra-Body Communication System," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1143-1153, May 2012. (SCI)

[99] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A Low-Power 3.2~9.7 GHz Ultra-Wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Excellent Stop-band Rejection Using 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1253-1261, May 2012. (SCI)

[100] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.1 dB NF, 21.31 dB Gain Micro-machined 3~10 GHz Distributed Amplifier for UWB Systems in 0.18 um CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1163-1167, May 2012. (SCI)

[101] C. Y. Lin, J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "Design and Implementation of a 2.8-dB Insertion Loss V-Band Bandpass Filter in 0.13 mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 2001-2006, Aug. 2012. (SCI)

[102] C. Y. Lin, Y. S. Lin, H. C. Lu, and Y. L. Chang, "Design and Implementation of a 24/60 GHz Dual-Band Monopole Meander-Line Planar CMOS Antenna," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 1731-1737, Jul. 2012. (SCI)

[103] C. Y. Lin, Y. S. Lin, H. C. Lu, and Y. L. Chang, "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance 60 GHz CMOS Slot Antenna," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 2061-2065, Sep. 2012. (SCI)

[104] Y. S. Lin, and P. W. Yu, "A 28/56 GHz Dual-Band CMOS VCO Using Reversely Tunable LC Source-Degeneration and the Push-Push Technique," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 2272-2278, Oct. 2012. (SCI)

[105] Y. S. Lin, and P. W. Yu, "A Miniature and Low-Power 24 GHz CMOS VCO Using Tunable LC Source-Degeneration and Transformer Feedback Techniques for Automotive Radars," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 2553-2558, Nov. 2012. (SCI)


[106] Y. T. Lin, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "A 0.5 V Biomedical System-on-a-Chip for Intra-body Communication System," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 690-699, Feb. 2011. (SCI)

[107] Y. S. Lin, J. F. Chang, and S. S. Lu, "Analysis and Design of CMOS Distributed Amplifier Using Inductively-Peaking Cascaded Gain Cell for UWB Systems," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 2513-2524, Oct. 2011. (SCI)

[108] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A High-Performance Distributed Amplifier Using Multiple Noise Suppression Techniques," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 495-497, Sep. 2011. (SCI)

[109] C. W. Tsou, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 24-GHz I/Q Direct-Down Converter with Integrated Quadrature Couplers and Baluns in Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IET Trans. on Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 718-727, Jun. 2011. (SCI)

[110] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 0.99 mW 3-10 GHz CG CMOS UWB LNA Using T-match Input Network and Self-Body-Bias Technique," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 658-659, May 2011. (SCI)

[111] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.15 dB NF, 7.2 mW 3~9 GHz CMOS Ultra-Wideband Receiver Front-End," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 25, pp. 1401-1402, Dec. 2011. (SCI)

[112] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 2.76-mW, 3- to 10-GHz Ultra-Wideband LNA Using 0.18-mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 94-97, Jan. 2011. (SCI)

[113] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A V-band CMOS Sub-Harmonic Mixer with Integrated Frequency Doubler and 180o Out-of-Phase Splitter," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 870-875, Apr. 2011. (SCI)

[114] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.9 dB NF, 24.5 dB Gain 0.3~10.5 GHz Distributed Amplifier Using Dual-Inductive-Peaking Cascade Gain Cell for UWB Systems in 0.18-μm CMOS," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 2228-2232, Oct. 2011. (SCI)

[115] C. C. Wang, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "Wide Locking Range Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Differential-Injection Linear Mixers and Dual Frequency Tuning," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 11, 2622-2626, Nov. 2011. (SCI)

[116] C. C. Wang, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "CMOS Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider (3.55 mW 80 GHz) with 26.3% Locking Range Using Distributed LC Tank and Body Bias Techniques," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 2694-2697, Nov. 2011. (SCI)

[117] C. C. Chen, C. W. Tsou, and Y. S. Lin, "A Single-Chip 24-GHz Differential I/Q Receiver in 0.18-mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 2593-2601, Nov. 2011. (SCI)

[118] C. Z. Chen, C. C. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "CMOS (2.28 mW, 67.28-80.78 GHz) Divide-by-4 Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Tunable LC Source-Degeneration," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 2776-2781, Dec. 2011. (SCI)

[119] C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "Low Power and High Conversion Gain 21-GHz Receiver Front-End in a Standard 0.18-mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 2875-2879, Dec. 2011. (SCI)


[120] H. K. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "Analysis and Design of a 1.6-28 GHz Compact Wideband LNA in 90 nm CMOS Using a p-match Input Network," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 2092- 2104, Aug. 2010. (SCI)

[121] Y. S. Lin, C. Z. Chen, H. Y. Yang, C. C. Chen, J. H. Lee, G. W. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "Analysis and Design of a CMOS UWB LNA with Dual-RLC-Branch Wideband Input Matching Network," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 287-296, Feb. 2010. (SCI)

[122] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.7 mW 24 GHz LNA with 10.1 dB Gain and 4.5 dB NF in 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 19, pp. 1310-1311, Sep. 2010. (SCI)

[123] C. H. Wang, Y. T. Chiu, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.1 dB NF 20-29 GHz CMOS UWB LNA Using a T-match Input Network," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 19, pp. 1312-1313, Sep. 2010. (SCI)

[124] C. Z. Chen, T. Y. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "Excellent Sensitivity 64.8-GHz CMOS Injection-Locked Frequency Divider with 10.2-GHz Locking Range," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 518-523, Mar. 2010. (SCI)

[125] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance V-Band CMOS Bandpass Filter," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 309-316, Feb. 2010. (SCI)

[126] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "Miniature 1.87-dB Insertion-Loss V-Band CMOS Bandpass Filter with Two Enhanced Finite Transmission Zeros," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 1830-1836, vol. 52, no. 8, Aug. 2010. (SCI)

[127] Y. T. Chiu, Y. S. Lin, and J. F. Chang, "A 18.85 mW 20-29 GHz Wideband CMOS LNA with 3.85±0.25 dB NF and 18.1±1.9 dB Gain," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 2017-2020, Sep. 2010. (SCI)

[128] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, P. L. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "A 4.9-dB NF 53.5-62-GHz Micro-machined CMOS Wideband LNA with Small Group-Delay-Variation," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 2427-2432, Nov. 2010. (SCI)

[129] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 60 GHz CMOS Receiver Front-End with Integrated 180o Out-of-Phase Wilkinson Power Divider," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 2688-2694, Dec. 2010. (SCI)


[130] C. H. Chen, R. Z. Hwang, L. S. Huang, S. M. Lin, H. C. Chen, Y. C. Yang, Y. T. Lin, S. A. Yu, Y. S. Lin, Y. H. Wang, N. K. Chou, and S. S. Lu, "A Wireless Bio-MEMS Sensor for C-Reactive Protein Detection Based on Nanomechanics," IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 462-470, Feb. 2009. (SCI)

[131] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3-10 GHz Low-Power, Low-Noise CMOS Distributed Amplifier Using Splitting-Load Inductive Peaking and Noise-Suppression Techniques," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 20, pp. 1033-1035, 2009. (SCI)

[132] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "Low-Power, High-Gain, and Low-Noise CMOS Distributed Amplifier for UWB Systems," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 634-636, 2009. (SCI)

[133] P. L. Huang, J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "A Micromachined V-Band CMOS Bandpass Filter with 2-dB Insertion-Loss," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 100-101, 2009. (SCI)

[134] M. C. Lu, J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, and L. C. Lu, "1.89-dB Insertion-Loss UWB BP-Filter with Three Finite Transmission Zeros Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 56-57, 2009. (SCI)

[135] C. W. Tsou, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 57-GHz CMOS VCO with 185.3% Tuning-Range Enhancement Using Tunable LC Source-Degeneration," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 2682-2684, Nov. 2009. (SCI)

[136] T. Wang, S. S. Lu, Y. S. Lin, Y. Z. Juang, and G. W. Huang, "The RF Characteristics of Micromachined Coplanar Waveguide in 0.13 mm CMOS Technology by CMOS compatible ICP Dry Etching," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 2665-2668, Nov. 2009. (SCI)

[137] P. L. Huang, Y. T. Lin, T. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "A Micromachined SiGe HBT Ultra-Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier by BiCMOS Compatible ICP Deep-Trench Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 2598-2601, Nov. 2009. (SCI)

[138] Y. S. Lin, L. C. Lu, J. F. Chang, P. L. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "1.8-dB Insertion- Loss Planar UWB CMOS Bandpass Filter with Suspended Inductors," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 2946-2948, Dec. 2009. (SCI)

[139] Y. T. Lin, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "A Low-Power 2.4-GHz Receiver Front-End for Wireless Sensor Networks," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 3021-3024, Dec. 2009. (SCI)

[140] M. C. Lu, J. F. Chang, L. C. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "Miniature 60-GHz-Band Bandpass Filter with 2.55-dB Insertion-Loss Using Standard 0.13 mm CMOS Technology" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 1632-1635, Jul. 2009. (SCI)

[141] W. L. Hsu, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 58-GHz Wide-Locking Range CMOS Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Input-Power-Matching Technique," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 685- 689, Mar. 2009. (SCI)

[142] W. L. Hsu, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 2 mW, 55.8-GHz CMOS Injection- Locked Frequency Divider with 7.1-GHz Locking Range," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 702-706, Mar. 2009. (SCI)

[143] Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Wong, "A 60-GHz Low-Noise Amplifier for 60-GHz Dual-Conversion Receiver," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 885-891, Apr. 2009. (SCI)

[144] T. H. Chang, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Low-Power Low-Phase-Noise 48-GHz CMOS LC VCO for 60-GHz Dual-Conversion Receiver," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 997-1000, Apr. 2009. (SCI)

[145] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, G. W. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "A 5.79 dB NF, 30-GHz- Band Monolithic LNA with 10 mW Power Consumption in Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 933-937, Apr. 2009. (SCI)


[146] C. C. Chen, J. H. Lee, Y. S. Lin, C. Z. Chen G. W. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "Low Noise-Figure P+-AA-Mesh Inductors for CMOS UWB RFIC Applications, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 3542-3548, Dec. 2008. (SCI)

[147] H. Y. Yang, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A 2.5-dB NF 3.1-10.6-GHz CMOS UWB LNA with Small Group-Delay-Variation," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 528-529, 2008. (SCI)

[148] H. Y. Yang, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A 21-27 GHz CMOS Wideband LNA with 9.3±1.3 dB Gain and 103.9±8.1 ps Group-Delay Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 44, no. 17, pp. 1014-1016, 2008. (SCI)

[149] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, C. Z. Chen, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "A Miniature Micro-machined Millimeter-wave Bandpass Filter By CMOS Compatible ICP Deep-Trench Technology," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 47, no. 1, 2008, pp. 68-73. (SCI)

[150] H. B. Liang, Y. H. Tsou, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "Uniformly Distributed Wideband Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Model for Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits Applications," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 47, no. 2, 2008, pp. 807-813. (SCI)

[151] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, C. Z. Chen, P. L. Huang, T. Wang, and S. S.  Lu, "An Analysis of Substrate Effects on Transmission-Lines for Millimeter- wave CMOS RFIC Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 319-324, Feb. 2008. (SCI)

[152] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, J. F. Chang, and J. H. Lee, "A K-Band Low-Noise Amplifier Using Shunt RC-Feedback and Series Inductive-Peaking Techniques," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1148-1152, May 2008. (SCI)

[153] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A High-Performance Wideband CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier Using Inductive Series and Parallel Peaking Techniques," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1240-1244, May 2008. (SCI)

[154] H. Y. Yang, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A Low-Power V-Band CMOS Low- Noise Amplifier Using Current-Sharing Technique," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1876-1879, Jul. 2008. (SCI)

[155] C. Z. Chen, H. Y. Yang, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, and G. W. Huang, "A 5-GHz Fully Integrated Low-Power Wide-Tuning-Range CMOS LC VCO," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 2320-2322, Sep. 2008. (SCI)

[156] W. L. Hsu, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Low-Power 63 GHz CMOS Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider in 0.13 mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 2581-2584, Oct. 2008. (SCI)

[157] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "5.8-GHz Fully Integrated Low-Power Low-Phase-Noise CMOS LC VCOs Using RC Noise-Filtering Technique," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 2907-2911, Nov. 2008. (SCI)

[158] P. L. Huang, T. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "Micromachined CMOS E-band Bandpass Coplanar Filters," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3123-3125, Dec. 2008. (SCI)

[159] P. L. Huang, T. Wang, Y. S. Lin, S. S. Lu, Y. M. Teng, and G. W. Huang, "Micromachined 50 GHz/60 GHz Phi Filters by CMOS Compatible ICP Deep Trench Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3142-3146, Dec. 2008. (SCI)


[160] Y. S. Lin, C. Z. Chen, H. B. Liang, and S. S. Lu, "High-Performance On-Chip Transformers with Partial Polysilicon Patterned Ground Shields (PGS)," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 157-160, 2007. (SCI)

[161] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, P. K. Tsai, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "A High- Performance Micromachined RF Monolithic Transformer with Optimized Pattern Ground Shields (OPGS) for UWB RFIC Applications," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 609-613, 2007. (SCI)

[162] Y. T. Lin, H. C. Chen, T. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "3-10 GHz Ultra- Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers Utilizing Miller Effect and Inductive Shunt-Shunt Feedback Technique," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Technologies, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 1832-1843, 2007. (SCI)

[163] Y. S. Lin, J. F. Chang, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, P. L. Huang, T. Wang, G. W. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "Ultralow-Loss and Broadband Micromachined Transmission Line Inductors for 30-60 GHz CMOS RFIC Applications," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 2512-2519, Sep. 2007. (SCI)

[164] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 0.18 mm 3.1-10.6 GHz CMOS UWB LNA with 11.4±0.4 dB Gain and 100.7±17.4 ps Group-Delay," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 43, no. 24, pp. 27-28. (SCI)

[165] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "Characterization and Modeling of Pattern Ground Shield (PGS) and Silicon-Substrate Effects on Radio-Frequency (RF) Monolithic Bifilar Transformers for Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) Applications," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 46, no. 1A, pp. 65-70, 2007. (SCI)

[166] T. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "A Micromachined 22 GHz PI Filter by CMOS Compatible ICP Deep Trench Technology," IEE Electronics Letters, no. 7, vol. 43, pp. 398-399, 2007. (SCI)

[167] Y. S. Lin, Z. H. Yang, C. C. Chen, and T. C. Chao, "Design and Implementation of a Miniaturized High-Linearity 3-5 GHz Ultra-wideband CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 524-526, 2007. (SCI)

[168] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, M. S. Huang, "Analyses and Wideband Modeling (DC-to-50GHz) of Dummy Open Devices on Silicon for Accurate RF Devices and ICs De-embedding Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 879-882, 2007. (SCI)

[169] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, P. F. Yeh, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "High- Performance Single-Turn Interlaced-Stacked Transformers for Ka-Band CMOS RFIC Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 4, 2007, pp. 936-942. (SCI)

[170] S. H. Yen, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "Design and Implementation of a 1.5-to-17-GHz SiGe UWB LNA utilizing Multiple-Feedback Loops and Inductive Peaking Technique," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 4, 2007, pp. 876-879. (SCI)

[171] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, C. Z. Chen, and P. F. Yeh, "High-Coupling and Ultra- Low-Loss Interlaced Stacked Transformers for 60-100 GHz CMOS RFIC Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 7, July 2007, pp. 1750-1753. (SCI)

[172] S. H. Yen, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A High-Performance 1-7 GHz UWB LNA Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 10, Oct. 2007, pp. 2458-2462. (SCI)

[173] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A High-Performance Miniaturized 3-15.5-GHz 13-dB CMOS Distributed Amplifier," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 49, no. 11, Nov. 2007, pp. 2742-2747. (SCI)


[174] Y. C. Yang, P. W. Lee, H. W. Chiu, Y. S. Lin, G. W. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "Reconfigurable SiGe Low Noise Amplifiers with Variable-Miller- Capacitance," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems –I, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 2567 -2577, 2006. (SCI)

[175] H. B. Liang, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, P. F. Yeh, Y. R. Tzeng, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of Perfect-Magnetic-Coupling Ultra-Low-Loss Micro- machined SMIS RF Transformers for RFIC  Applications," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 4256-4267, 2006. (SCI)

[176] S. H. Yen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Ka-Band Low Noise Amplifier Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 16, pp. 919-920, Aug. 2006. (SCI)

[177] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, C. C. Chen, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "A High-Quality- Factor and Low-Power-Loss Micromachined RF Bifilar Transformer for Ultra- Wideband (UWB) RFIC Applications," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 684-687, 2006. (SCI)

[178] H. W. Chiu, Y. S. Lin, K. Liu, and S. S. Lu, "Temperature and Substrate Effects in Monolithic RF Inductors on Silicon with 6-mm-Thick Top Metal for RFIC Applications," IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 316-330, Aug. 2006. (SCI)

[179] T. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "An Ultra-Low-Loss and Broadband Micomachined RF Inductor for RFIC Input-Matching Applications," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 568-570, 2006. (SCI)

[180] T. Wang, C. H. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "A Micro-machined 2-10 GHz CMOS Distributed Amplifier By CMOS Compatible ICP Deep Trench Technology," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 291-293, 2006. (SCI)

[181] T. Wang, H. C. Chen, H. W. Chiu, Y. S. Lin, G. W. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "Micromachined CMOS LNA and VCO By CMOS Compatible ICP Deep Trench Technology," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 580-588, 2006. (SCI)

[182] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of Base Bias Current and Intrinsic Base Resistance Effects on InP-InGaAs, InGaP-GaAs and SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 45, no. 5A, pp. 3949-3954, vol. 45, 2006. (SCI)

[183] Y. S. Lin, and K. N. Liao, "A Concurrent Multi-Band InGaP-GaAs HBT LNA for 1.8/1.9 GHz GSM, 2.4/4.9/5.2/5.7 GHz WLAN and 5-7 GHz Ultra-Wide- Band (UWB) System Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 110-114, 2006. (SCI)

[184] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, and Y. R. Tzeng, "An Analysis of Layout and Temperature Effects on Magnetic-Coupling Factor, Resistive-Coupling Factor, and Power Gain Performances of RF Transformers for RFIC Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1460-1466, 2006. (SCI)


[185] Y. S. Lin, "Implementation of Perfect-Magnetic-Coupling Ultra-Low-Loss Transformer in RFCMOS Technology," IEEE Electron Device Letters., vol. 26, no.11, pp. 832-835, 2005. (SCI)

[186] Y. S. Lin, "An Analysis of Small-Signal Source-Body Resistance Effect on RF MOSFETs for Low-Cost System-on-Chip (SoC) Applications," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1442-1451, 2005. (SCI)

[187] Y. S. Lin, "Temperature and Substrate-Impedance Dependence of Noise Figure of Monolithic RF Inductors on Silicon," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 397-400, 2005. (SCI)

[188] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "Temperature-Dependence of Noise Figure of Monolithic RF Transformers on a Thin (20 mm) Silicon Substrate," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 208-211, 2005. (SCI)

[189] Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of Base Bias Current Effect on SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs)," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 132-135, 2005. (SCI)

[190] H. W. Chiu, S. S. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "A 2.17 dB NF, 5 GHz Band Monolithic CMOS LNA with 10 mW DC Power Consumption on a Thin (20 mm) Substrate," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 813-824, 2005. (SCI)

[191] S. S. Lu, Y. S. Lin, H. W. Chiu, Y. C. Chen, and C. C. Meng, "The Determination of S parameters from the Poles of Voltage Gain Transfer Function for RF IC Design," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems - I, vol. 52, no.1, pp. 1-9, 2005. (SCI)

[192] Y. S. Lin, J. L. Chen, and K. H. Chen, "Variable Inductance Planar Spiral Inductors And CMOS Wideband Amplifiers with Inductive Peaking," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 305-309, 2005. (SCI)

[193] Y. S. Lin, and K. N. Liao, "A Concurrent Multi-Band SiGe LNA for 1.8/1.9 GHz GSM, 2.4/5.2/5.7 GHz WLAN and 5-7 GHz Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) System Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 36-41, 2005. (SCI)

[194] Y. S. Lin, "Temperature Dependence of the Power Gains and Scattering Parameters S11 and S22 of an RF nMOSFET with an Advanced RF-CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 180-185, 2005. (SCI)

[195] C. L. Tai, S. S. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "A 5.2 GHz Low-Power Low-Noise Amplifier Using InGaP-GaAs HBT Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 425-427, 2005. (SCI)

[196] Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A High-Linearity Micro-mixer for 5-GHz Band WLAN Applications Using 0.35 mm SiGe BiCMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 499-502, 2005. (SCI)


[197] K. Y. Yeh, S. S. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "Monolithic InGaP-GaAs HBT Receiver Front-End with 6 mW DC Power Consumption for 5-GHz-Band WLAN Applications," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 40, no. 24, pp. 1542-1543, 2004. (SCI)

[198] Y. S. Lin, "An Analysis of Size Effect on the Performances of Low-leakage 0.10 mm CMOS for 5-GHz Band Low-Power RF-ICs and SRAMs Applications," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 43, no. 8A, pp. 5178-5185, 2004. (SCI)

[199] Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of the Anomalous Dip in Scattering Parameter S11 of InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs)," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 43, no. 6B, pp. L803-L805, 2004. (SCI)

[200] Y. S. Lin, and T. H. Lee, "Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Matched- Impedance Wide-Band Amplifiers With Multiple Feedback Loops Using 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 6912-6916, 2004. (SCI)

[201] Y. S. Lin, "Temperature-Dependence of the Q-Factor and Noise Figure (NF) Performances of a Spiral Inductor with an Advanced Mixed-Signal/RF Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Technology," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 6907-6911, 2004. (SCI)

[202] C. Y. Wang, S. S. Lu, C. C. Meng, and Y. S. Lin, "A GaInP/GaAs HBT Micromixer for 2.4/5.2/5.7 Multi-band WLAN Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 87-89, Oct. 5, 2004. (SCI)

[203] Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "An InGaP-GaAs HBT Low Noise Amplifier for 2.4/5.2/5.7 GHz WLAN Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 539-542, Dec. 20, 2004. (SCI)

[204] T. H. Lee, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3 mW Concurrent 2.4/5.2 GHz Dual-Band Low Noise Amplifier for WLAN Applications in 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 287-292, August 20, 2004. (SCI)

[205] C. Y. Wang, S. S. Lu, C. C. Meng, and Y. S. Lin, "A SiGe Micromixer for 2.4/5.2/5.7 GHz Multi-band WLAN Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 343-346, June 5, 2004. (SCI)

[206] S. S. Lu, Y. S. Lin, and B. W. Lee, "A Monolithic 1.57/5.25 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Low Noise Amplifier Using InGaP/GaAs HBT Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 58-60, July 5, 2004. (SCI)

[207] K. N. Liaw, and Y. S. Lin, "A Miniaturized Monolithic 2.4/5.7 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Low Noise Amplifier Using InGaP-GaAs HBT Technology," WSEAS Trans. on Electronics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 120-123, 2004. (EI)

[208] H. B. Liang, T. Wang, Y. S. Lin, S. H. Wu, and S. S. Lu, "Temperature Dependence of Q and Noise in Monolithic Transformer Fabricated in a Silicon- Germanium/BiCMOS Technology," WSEAS Trans. on Electronics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 149-156, 2004. (EI)

[209] Y. S. Lin, H. W. Chiu, and S. S. Lu, "High Quality-Factor (33) and High Resonant Frequency (> 20 GHz) Spiral Inductors Fabricated in 0.25 mm RF Mixed-Signal CMOS Technology," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 279-285, May 20, 2004. (SCI)

[210] Y. S. Lin, "An Analysis of RF Scattering Parameters, Noise and Power Performances of RF Power MOS in 0.15 mm RF CMOS Technology for RF SOC Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 191-196, May 5, 2004. (SCI)


[211] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, and S. S. Lu, "Ga0.51In0.49P/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Doped- Channel FETs (DCFETs) and their Applications on Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs)," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 56-62, 2003. (SCI)

[212] Y. S. Lin and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of Small-Signal Gate-Drain Resistance Effect on RF Power MOSFETs," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 525-528, 2003. (SCI)

[213] H. Y. Tu, T. H. Chou, Y. S. Lin, H. C. Chiu, P. Y. Chen, and S. S. Lu, "DC and RF Characteristics of E-mode Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.15Ga0.85As Pseudomorphic HEMT’s (pHEMT’s)," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 132-134, 2003. (SCI)

[214] Y. S. Lin and S. S. Lu, "An analysis of Small-Signal Substrate Resistance Effect in Deep Sub-micron RF MOSFETs," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 1534-1539, 2003. (SCI)

[215] Y. S. Lin, "Low-leakage 0.11 mm CMOS for Low-Power RF-ICs and SRAMs Applications," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 42, no. 4B, pp. 2114-2118, 2003. (SCI)

[216] Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "Theoretical Analysis of the Anomalous Dips of Scattering Parameter S22 in Deep Sub-Micrometer MOSFETs," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 193-200, Feb. 5, 2003. (SCI)

[217] Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of the Kink Phenomenon of Scattering Parameter S22 in RF Power MOSFETs for System-on-Chip (SOC) Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 371-376, 2003. (SCI)

[218] Y. S. Lin, "A novel Y-Shaped Multi-Fin Stacked Capacitor for Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) cells," National Chi-Nan University Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 203-212, 2003.


[219] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wu, C. S. Chang, R. P. Yang, W. M. Chen, J. J. Liaw, and C. H. Diaz, "Leakage Scaling in Deep Sub-micron CMOS for SOC," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 1034-1041, 2002. (SCI)

[220] Y. S. Lin, H. T. Huang, C. C. Wu, Y. K. Leung, H. Y. Pan, T. E. Chang, W. M. Chen, J. J. Liaw, and C. H. Diaz, "On the SiO2 Based Gate-Dielectric Scaling Limit for Low-Standby Power Applications in the Context of a 0.13 mm CMOS Logic Technology," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 49, no. 3, 442-448, 2002. (SCI)

[221] Y. S. Lin, and H. M. Hsu, "Study of Spiral Inductors Using Cu/Low-k Interconnect for High-Performance RF-IC Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 43-48, July 5, 2002. (SCI)

[222] Y. S. Lin, and H. M. Hsu, "High-Performance Micromachined Tapered Spiral Inductors with Resonant Frequency of 17 GHz," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 56-60, October 5, 2002. (SCI)

[223] H. Y. Tu, Y. S. Lin, P. Y. Chen, S. S. Lu, and H. Y. Pan, "An Analysis of the Anomalous Dip in Scattering Parameter S22 of InGaP-GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs)," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 1831-1833, 2002. (SCI)


[224] Y. S. Lin, and S. S.Lu, "S-Band MMIC Amplifier Using Ga0.51In0.49P/GaAs MISFETs as Active Devices," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 188-190, 1999. (SCI)

[225] Y. S. Lin, and S. S.Lu, "Ga0.51In0.49P/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Lattice-Matched and Strained Doped-Channel Field-Effect Transistors Grown by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 2197-2201, 1999. (SCI)

[226] S. S. Lu, C .C. Meng, Y. S. Lin, and H. Lan, "The Effect of Gate Recess Profile on Device Performance of Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.2Ga0.8As Doped-Channel FET’s," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 48-54, 1999. (SCI)

[227] Y. S. Lin, S. S. Lu and Y. J. Wang, "High-Performance Ga0.51In0.49P/GaAs Airbridge Gate MISFET’s Grown by Gas-Source MBE," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 518-520, 1997. (SCI)

[228] Y. S. Lin, T. P. Sun and S. S. Lu, "Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs Pseudomorphic Doped-Channel FET with High-Current Density and High- Breakdown Voltage," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 150-152, 1997. (SCI)

[229] Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "High-Breakdown-Voltage Ga0.51In0.49P Channel MESFET Grwon by GSMBE," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 452-454, 1996. (SCI)

[230] Y. S. Lin, S. S. Lu and T. P. Sun, "High-Linearity High-Current-Drivability Ga0.51In0.49P/GaAs MISFET Using GaInP Airbridge Gate Structure Grown by Gas-Source MBE," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 518-520, 1995. (SCI)

[231] Y. S. Lin, C. J. Chen, G. Y. Wu and K. M. Hung, "Magneto-Excitons in Quantum Wells in Parallel-Field Configurations," Solid State Communications, vol. 84, no. 7, pp. 753-756, 1992. (SCI)

BConference Papers


[3] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Down-Conversion Mixer Using l/4-TL-C-based Coupler                   and BSFB Technique for 28 GHz 5G NR," IEEE International Microwave Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, Jun. 2023.

[4] Y. S. Lin, C. T. Huang, and Y. C. Peng, "Divide-by-4 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Dual Linear Mixer Technique," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2023.


[4] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "22-33 GHz CMOS LNA Using Coupled-TL Feedback and Self-Body Forward-Bias for 28 GHz 5G System," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA, Jun. 2022.

[5] Y. S. Lin, B. S. Chen, C. T. Huang, and J. F. Chang, "Spiral-TL-Based Compact Ka-Band SPDT Switch and Power Divider," IEEE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2022.

[6] Y. S. Lin, C. T. Huang, J. F. Chang, and Y. C. Lin, "Push-Push VCO with PN- and Pout-Enhanced Off-State Parallel FETs," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2022.

[7] B. S. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and C. T. Huang, "Noninverting Single-Spiral Power Divider and Its QC and Balun," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2022.

[8] Y. S. Lin, and C. T. Huang, "Spiral-QC-Based Millimeter-Wave Power Dividers," International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2022), Puli, Taiwan, Oct. 2022.

[9] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, and C. T. Huang, "DC-38 GHz CMOS SPDT Switch for 5G Multi-Band Communications," Symposium on Nano-Device Circuits and Technology (SNDCT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2022.


[10] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Analysis of a 94 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier Using Miniature Current Combiner," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Jan. 2020.

[11] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Analysis of a Low-Power 60~113 GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with High Conversion Gain," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Jan. 2020.


[12] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and J. Y. Liao, "W-Band CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer Using CMOS-Inverter-Based RF GM Stage for Gain and Linearity Enhancement," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA, Jan. 2019.

[13] Y. S. Lin, M. H. Kao, and K. S. Lan, "CMOS Four-Way Power Divider for W-Band Power Amplifiers," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA, Jan. 2019.

[14] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, Y. C. Lin, "W-Band Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Stacked Cross-Coupled Transistors in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA, Jan. 2019.

[15] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, and Y. C. Chen, "Analysis and Modeling of 28 GHz Coupled-Line-Based Quadrature Coupler and Power Dividers/Combiners for 5G Communications ," International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, San Diego, CA, USA, May 2019.

[16] Y. S. Lin, and Y. J. Chen, "A 28 GHz Ka-Band Symmetrical Doherty Power Amplifier Base on Spiral Shaped Transformer Power Combiner Using 90nm CMOS Technology for 5G Communication," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2019.

[17] Y. S. Lin, and C. W. Wang, "A 96 GHz 90 nm CMOS Injection-Locked Frequency Divider," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2019.

[18] S. F. Chiu, and Y. S. Lin, "Design a 24 GHz CW Hydrology Radar System," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2019.

[19] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) and Communication Module for Smart Spindle," The 16th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2019), Taiwan, Taiwan, Nov. 2019.


[20] Y. S. Lin, Y. W. Lin, J. W. Gao, and K. S. Lan, "High Gain and High PAE 68~94 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier Using Miniature Zero-Degree Four-Way Current Combiner," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA, Jan. 2018.

[21] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, H. C. Lin, and Y. W. Lin, "77 GHz Phase-Locked Loop for Automobile Radar System in 90 nm CMOS Technology," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA, Jan. 2018.

[22] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, H. C. Lin, and Y. W. Lin, "3 mW W-band CMOS Injection- Locked Frequency Divider with 23.5-GHz Locking Range," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA, Jan. 2018.

[23] K. S. Lan, Y. S. Lin, and Y. C. Lin, "1.6 mW Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider in 90 nm CMOS for W- and G-Band Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2018.

[24] Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Wireless Charging and Communication Module for Smart Spindle," 6th International Symposium on Sensor Science and 4th SPINTECH Technology Thesis Award, Kenting, Taiwan, Aug. 2018.


[24] J. Y. Hsieh, T. Wang, H. W. Chiu, Y. S. Lin, S. S. Lu, and K. Y. Lin, "Frequency Responses of Noise Figure and Input Matching for Low-Noise Amplifier Design," International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET), Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2017.

[25] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, Y. C. Lin, and Y. W. Lin, "95/190 GHz Push-Push VCO in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, Jul. 2017.

[26] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, C. H. Peng, and Y. W. Lin, "94 GHz CMOS Down- Conversion Micromixer," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, Jul. 2017.

[27] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, Y. W. Lin, M. Y. Chuang, "94 GHz VCO Using Negative Capacitance Technique," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, Jul. 2017.

[28] Y. S. Lin, Z. Y. Guo, Y. S. Huang, and C. H. Yeh, "A Low-Power UHF Passive RFID Transponder Chip in 0.18 μm CMOS," IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2017.

[29] C. H. Hu, Y. S. Lin, C. H. Chang, P. C. Tsao, and C. H. Yeh, "One- and Two- Dimensional Antenna Arrays for Microwave Wireless Power Transfer (MWPT) Systems," IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2017.

[30] B. R. Su, Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "A 83-103GHz Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency divider (ILFD) with Colpitts Topology in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2017.

[31] K. S. Lan, Y. S. Lin, and V. K. Nguyen, "94 GHz Power Amplifier Using Miniature Dual Y-Shaped Combiner with RL Load in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2017.

[32] J. Y. Liao, Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "A 94G CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer Using Current-Bleeding and Modified Derivative Superposition (DS) Techniques," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2017.

[33] J. Y. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and K. S. Lan, "Design and Analysis of a 200 GHz Push- Push VCO in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2017.

[34] J. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, "A 94 GHz Down-Conversion Mixer Using Inverting Technique in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2017.

[35] Y. S. Lin, K. S. Lan, Y. W. Lin, H. R. Pan, C. C. Chen, and C. C. Wang, "A 90-96 GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with High Conversion Gain and Excellent LO-RF Isolation," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Phoenix, USA, Jan. 2017.

[36] Y. S. Lin, Y. W. Lin, K. S. Lan, M. H. Kao, C. C. Chen, and C. C. Wang, "High-Performance Elliptic Dual Balun for W-Band CMOS Transceiver," IEEE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Phoenix, USA, Jan. 2017.


[37] Y. S. Lin, Y. W. Lin, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, and V. K. Nguyen, "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance CMOS Dual Balun  for Millimeter- Wave Star Mixer and Four-Way Power Amplifier," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Austin, USA, Jan. 2016.

[38] Y. S. Lin, V. K. Nguyen, J. W. Gao, C. C. Wang, Y. W. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A Wideband Power Amplifier with 13.2 dBm PSAT and 19.5% PAE for 60~94 GHz Wireless Communication Systems in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Austin, USA, Jan. 2016.

[39] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, J. M. Liu, Y. W. Lin, and V. K. Nguyen, "A Low Noise Figure and High Conversion Gain Down-Conversion Mixer for 94 GHz Image Radar Sensors in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Austin, USA, Jan. 2016.

[40] Y. S. Lin, V. K. Nguyen, H. C. Lin, C. Y. Lee, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, and Y. W. Lin, "A 7.2 mW 74~82 GHz CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier with 17.3±1.5 dB Gain and 7.7±0.3 dB NF for Automotive Radar Systems," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Austin, USA, Jan. 2016.

[41] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, C. C. Wang, Y. W. Lin, R. C. Liu, and C. C. Ji, "A Low Power and High Conversion Gain 94 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer with Excellent I/O Matching and LO-RF Isolation in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Austin, USA, Jan. 2016.

[42] V. K. Nguyen, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, and M. H. Kao, "Design and Implementation of a 62-77 GHz Low Noise Amplifier in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2016.

[43] V. K. Nguyen, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, and M. H. Kao, "A 88-98 GHz Power Amplifier in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE International Symposium on Next- Generation Electronics, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2016.

[44] M. H. Gao, and Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "Study of Line Width Effects on Millimeter-wave CMOS Dual Balun," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2016.

[45] Y. C. Lin, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "A 94/188 GHz dual-band VCO with gm- boosted push-push pair in 90nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2016.

[46] C. H. Peng, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "Millimeter-Wave CMOS Down- Conversion Mixer with PMOS Negative Resistance Compensation," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2016.

[47] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, K. S. Lan, Y. W. Lin, and J. M. Liu, "A High- Performance 75~110 GHz Down-Conversion Mixer in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2016.

[48] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, M. Y. Chuang, and Y. C. Lin, "94 GHz CMOS VCO Using Enhanced Reverse Tunable LC Source-Degeneration," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2016.


[49] C. W. Lu, Y. C. Huang, Y. S. Lin, and H. W. Chen, "A Fast-Switching Current- Pulse Driver for LED Backlight Applications," International Display Workshop, pp. 1338-1339, Otsu, Japan, Sep. 2015.

[50] Y. C. Huang, C. W. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "10-Bit TFT-LCD Column Driver IC with DAC-Embedded Op-Amp," International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT), pp. 21-24, Harbin, China, Dec. 2015.

[51] Y. S. Lin, C. Y. Lee, and C. C. Chen, "A 9.99 mW Low-Noise Amplifier for 60 GHz WPAN System and 77 GHz Automobile Radar System in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, Jan. 2015.

[52] Y. S. Lin, R. C. Liu, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, "A Low Power and High Conversion Gain 77~81 GHz Double-Balanced Up-Conversion Mixer with Excellent LO-RF Isolation in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, Jan. 2015.

[53] H. P. Liang, D. C. Chang, J. R. Wang, Q. N. Chen, J. P. Zhang, and Y. S. Lin, "High Dip Insertion Loss Due to Periodic Defect Structure in High Speed Transmission Line," Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2015.

[54] C. W. Lu, Y. C. Huang, and Y. S. Lin, "A DAC-Embedded Op-amp for TFT-LCD Column Driver ICs," VLSI/CAD conference, Hualien, Taiwan, Aug. 2015.

[55] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, G. H. Li, and J. M. Liu, "Design and Implementation of a 94 GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer for Image Radar Sensors," International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Microelectronics (CENICS), Venice, Italy, Aug. 2015.

[56] C. C. Ji, and Y. S. Lin, "A 9.75 mW 79 GHz CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer with 9.15 dB Conversion Gain and 31.5 dB LO-RF Isolation in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015.

[57] M. Y. Chuang, and Y. S. Lin, "Design and Implementation of Low Phase Noise V-Band VCO Using Tunable LC Source-Degeneration in 90nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015.

[58] J. M. Liu, and Y. S. Lin, "Millimeter-Wave CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with an LC-Oscillator- Based Trans-conductance Stage Load," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015.

[59] H. C. Lin, Y. S. Lin, and C. Y. Lee, "A Wideband CMOS Power Amplifier with 23.3 dB S21, 10.6 dBm Psat and 12.3% PAE for 60 GHz WPAN and 77 GHz Automobile Radar Systems," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015.

[60] H. C. Lin, and Y. S. Lin, "Millimeter-Wave CMOS Wide Bandwidth and Excellent Matching Low- Noise Amplifier for Radar Sensor Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015.

[61] Y. S. Lin, R. C. Liu, C. C. Ji, and C. C. Wang, " A Low Power and High Conversion Gain 94 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer with Excellent I/O Matching and LO-RF Isolation in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015.

[62] Y. S. Lin, J. H. Lee, and C. C. Wang, "A 34.4 mW 58~66 GHz Receiver Front-End with 24.6±1.5 dB Conversion Gain and 5.6±0.8 dB Noise Figure in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015.


[63] Y. S. Lin, and G. H. Li, "A W-Band Down-Conversion Mixer in 90 nm CMOS with Excellent Matching and Port-to-Port Isolation for Automotive Radars," International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2014.

[64] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, W. C. Wen, and T. M. Tsai, "A 12.1 mW 50~67 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer with 6 dB Conversion Gain and 30.7 dB LO-RF Isolation in 90 nm CMOS," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Newport Beach, California, USA, Jan. 2014.

[65] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, and J. H. Lee, "A 9.96 mW 3.24±0.5 dB NF 1.9~22.5 GHz Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Using 90 nm CMOS Technology," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Newport Beach, California, USA, Jan. 2014.

[66] Y. S. Lin, G. L. Lee, C. C. Wang, and C. C. Chen, "A 21.1 mW 6.2 dB NF 77~81 GHz CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier with 13.5±0.5 dB S21 and Excellent Input and Output Matching for Automotive Radars," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Newport Beach, California, USA, Jan. 2014.

[67] Y. S. Lin, C. Y. Lee, C. C. Wang, and C. C. Chen, "A 10 mW 8.1 dB NF 77~81 GHz CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier with 11.3±0.5 dB S21 and Excellent Input and Output Matching for Automotive Radars," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-04, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2014.

[68] G. H. Li, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A 79 GHz Down-Conversion Mixer with Negative Resistance Compensation in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-08, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2014.

[69] R. C. Liu, and Y. S. Lin, "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance W-Band Up-Conversion Mixer in 90 nm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-09, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2014.

[70] Y. S. Lin, F. C. Liu, W. C. Wen, and C. C. Wang, "Design and Implementation of Squared W-Band CMOS Marchand Balun for W-Band Communication Systems," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-10, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2014.

[71] B. H. Liu, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "Design of Sigma-Delta DAC for Intra-Body Communication (IBC) Platform Application," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-11, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2014.

[72] K. L. Lin, and Y. S. Lin, "Filterless Class-D Audio Power Amplifier (PA) with Multi-Level Converter for Implementation of Intra-Body Communication (IBC) Hub/Alarm Unit in IBC Platform for Fall Prevention System," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-13, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2014.


[73] R. C. Liu, Y. S. Lin, W. C. Wen, and C. C. Wang, "Design and Implementation of a High-Performance 79 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer in 90 nm CMOS," National Symposium on Telecommunications, E4-3, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 2013.

[74] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wang, Y. C. Liao, and S. S. Lu, "BFSK Receiver, and Audio DAC and PA in Hub/Alarm Unit of Intra-Body Communication (IBC) Platform for Fall Prevention System," International Conference on Automation Technology, pp. 131-138, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 2013.

[75] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "A High-Voltage Driving 60 GHz Power Amplifier with Psat of 13 dBm and PAE of 9.1% in 90 nm CMOS for  IEEE 802.11ad Communication Systems," IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Denver, USA, Aug. 2013.

[76] C. C. Wang, T. M. Tsai, Y. S. Lin, and W. C. Wen, "A Low Power and High Conversion Gain 60-GHz CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer Using Current Injection and Dual Negative Resistance Compensation Techniques," IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Denver, USA, Aug. 2013.

[77] C. C. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and J. H. Lee, "60 GHz CMOS Down-Conversion Mixer with 15.46 dB Gain and 64.7 dB LO-RF Isolation," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Orlando, USA, Jul. 2013.

[78] J. H. Lee, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.88-dB NF 60-GHz CMOS UWB LNA with 14.1-mW DC Power Consumption," IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Orlando, USA, Jul. 2013.

[79] P. Y. Yin, Y. H. Chen, C. W. Lu, S. S. Shyu, C. L. Lee, T. C. Ou, and Y. S. Lin, "A Multi-Stage Fault-Tolerant Multiplier with Triple Module Redundancy (TMR) Technique," IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 2013.

[80] P. Y. Yin, C. W. Lu, C. Y. Hsu, and Y. S. Lin, "An 11-bit Two-Stage Hybrid-DAC for TFT LCD Column Drivers," IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 2013.

[81] Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "A 24-GHz Power Amplifier with Psat of 15.9 dBm and PAE of 14.6% Using Standard 0.18 μm CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-01, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2013.

[82] J. N. Chang, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "A High-Performance CMOS Power Amplifier for 60 GHz Short-Range Communication Systems," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-02, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2013.

[83] C. H. Wu, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Wang, "A 3.1~10.6 GHz Current-Reused CMOS Ultra-Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Using Self-Forward Body Bias and Forward Combining Techniques," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-03, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2013.

[84] Y. H. Wang, C. C. Wang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.1-10.6 GHz CMOS Wide Band LNA Using Standard 0.18 μm CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-04, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2013.


[85] C. H. Wu, Y. S. Lin, J. H. Lee, C. C. Wang, "A 2.87±0.19 dB NF 3.1-10.6 GHz Ultra-Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Using 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Santa Clara, California, USA, pp. 227-230, Jan. 2012.

[86] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, J. H. Lee, C. C. Wang, "A Low-Power 3.2-9.7 GHz Ultra- Wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Excellent Stop-Band Rejection Using 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Santa Clara, California, USA, pp. 199-202, Jan. 2012.

[87] J. H. Lee, T. M. Tsai, and Y. S. Lin, "15.1 mW 60 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer with 4.5 dB Gain and 57.5 dB LO-RF Isolation," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Section S1-5, paper 1142, Changhua, Taiwan, Nov. 2012.

[88] J. H. Lee, Y. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "A 21-27 GHz CMOS Receiver Front-End with a Novel Double-Balanced Mixer and Integrated Balun for Automotive Radar Systems," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-01, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2012.

[89] C. C. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and P. W. Yu, "A 28/56 GHz Dual-Band CMOS VCO Using Reversely Tunable LC Source-Degeneration and the Push-Push Technique," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-02, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2012.

[90] J. H. Lee, J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.15 dB NF, 7.2 mW 3~9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Receiver Front-End for UWB Systems Using 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-03, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2012.

[91] C. C. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and P. W. Yu, "A Miniature and Low-Power 24 GHz CMOS VCO Using Tunable LC Source-Degeneration and Transformer Feedback Techniques for Automotive Radars," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-04, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2012.


[92] C. C Wang, C. Y. Lin, C. H. Cheng, and Y. S. Lin, "1-dB Insertion-Loss 1~14.3 GHz Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Using Standard 0.18-mm CMOS Technology," International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, Yichang, China, pp. 1-4, Sep. 2011.

[93] S. L. Huang, Y. S. Lin, and J. H. Lee, "A Low-Power and Low-Noise 21~29 GHz Ultra-Wideband Receiver Front-End in 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, USA, pp. 1-4, Sep. 2011.

[94] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A DC-10.5-GHz CMOS Distributed Amplifier with 3.2±0.3 dB NF, 10.5±1.4 dB Gain and ±13.8 ps Group Delay Variation," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, pp. 307-310, Jan. 2011.

[95] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "2.76 mW, 3-10 GHz Ultra-Wideband LNA Using 0.18 μm CMOS Technology," IEEE VLSI Design, Automation and Test, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 188-191, Apr. 2011.

[96] C. Z. Wang, C. C. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A 2.28 mW 80.8 GHz CMOS Divide-by-4 DILFD with 18.24% Locking Range Using Tunable LC Source-Degeneration," IEEE VLSI Design, Automation and Test, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 307-310, Apr. 2011.

[97] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, J. H. Lee, and J. F. Chang, "A V-band CMOS Sub-Harmonic Mixer with Integrated Frequency Doubler and 180o Out-of-Phase Splitter," IEEE VLSI Design, Automation and Test, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 192-195, Apr. 2011.

[98] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 0.99 mW 3-10 GHz CG CMOS UWB LNA Using T-match Input Network and Self-Body-Bias Technique," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-02, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2011.

[99] C. C. Wang, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.55 mW 80 GHz CMOS Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider with 26.3% Locking Range Using Distributed LC Tank and Body Bias Techniques," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-04, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2011.

[100] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.9 dB NF, 24.5 dB Gain 0.3~10.5 GHz Distributed Amplifier Using Dual-Inductive-Peaking Cascade Gain Cell for UWB Systems in 0.18 mm CMOS," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-05, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2011.

[101] T. E. Hsu, Y. S. Lin, and S. L. Huang, "A Low-Power and High-Gain K-Band Receiver Front-End in 0.18 mm RF CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-10, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2011.

[102] C. C. Wang, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Wide-Locking-Range Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Differential-Injection Linear Mixers and Dual Frequency-Tuning," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-13, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2011.

[103] Y. C. Chen, C. H. Wang, and Y. S. Lin, "Design and Implementation of Front-End for 24 GHz Adaptive Cruise Control Radar System Application," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-18, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2011.

[104] T. Y. Kuo, and Y. S. Lin, "UHF 915 MHz OOK Demodulator for RFID Transponder Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-26, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2011.

[105] Y. H. Chen, Y. R. Chen, J. C. Liu, J. W. Lin, K. H. Hung, C. Y. Hsu, Y. S. Lin, "Enhancement Performance of Amorphous SiGe Single Junction Solar Cells by Post-deposition Thermal Annealing to Overcome S-curve Character," TACT International Thin Films Conference, Kenting, Taiwan, Nov. 2011.


[106] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, P. L. Huang, J. F. Chang, and S. S. Lu, "A 4.9-dB NF 53.5-62-GHz Micro-machined CMOS Wideband LNA with Small Group- Delay- Variation," IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, pp. 489-492, May 2010.

[107] C. C. Chen, J. H. Lee, and Y. S. Lin, "A 60 GHz CMOS Receiver Front-End with Integrated 180o Out-of-Phase Wilkinson Power Divider," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, pp. 373-376, May 2010.

[108] Y. T. Chiu, Y. S. Lin, and J. F. Chang, "A 18.85 mW 20-29 GHz Wideband CMOS LNA with 3.85±0.25 dB NF and 18.1±1.9 dB Gain," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Anaheim, California, USA, pp. 381-384, May 2010.

[109] J. G. Chen, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "An OOK Transmitter for Bio-Sensor WSN Application," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, pp. 76, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010.

[110] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A Low Power and High Gain 21 GHz Receiver Front-End in 0.18 mm RF CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, pp. 78, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010.

[111] C. Z. Chen, W. L. Hsu, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "Q-Band Divide-by-3 Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider in CMOS 0.13-mm Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-08, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010..

[112] C. Z. Chen, C. C. Wang, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "1 V Ka-Band Low-Power and Wide-Locking Range CMOS Divide-by-4 Direct Injection- Locked Frequency Dividers," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-16, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010.

[113] S. L. Hwang, C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Hwang, "A 21-29 GHz CMOS Wideband LNA with 3.2-4.5 dB Noise Figure Using Standard 0.13 mm Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-02, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010.

[114] C. C. Wang, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A Ka-Band Low-Voltage and Wide-Locking Range CMOS Divide-by-4 Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Dividers in CMOS 0.18-mm Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, pp. 41, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010.

[115] C. H. Wang, Y. T. Chiu, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3.2 dB NF 21-29 GHz Wideband LNA Using Current-Reuse technique," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-03, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010.

[116] C. H. Wang, H. Y. Yang, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "Application of RF Receiver Front-End for 24 GHz Short-Range Radar System," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, HF-17, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2010., Hsinchu, Taiwan.


[117] W. L. Hsu, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A 2 mW, 55.8-GHz CMOS Injection-Locked Frequency Divider with 7.1-GHz Locking Range," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 582-585, Jan. 2009.

[118] C. C. Chen, H. Y. Yang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 21-27 GHz CMOS Wideband LNA with 9.3±1.3 dB Gain and 103.9±8.1 ps Group-Delay Using Standard 0.18 μm CMOS Technology," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 586-589, Jan. 2009.

[119] Y. S. Lin, T. H. Chang, C. Z. Chen, C. C. Chen, H. Y. Yang, and S. S. Wong, "Low-Power 48-GHz CMOS VCO and 60-GHz CMOS LNA for 60-GHz Dual-Conversion Receiver," IEEE VLSI Design, Automation and Test, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 88-91, Apr. 2009.

[120] C. W. Tsou, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 57-GHz CMOS VCO with 56% Tuning-Range Enhancement Using Tunable Capacitive Source- Degeneration Technique," IEEE VLSI Design, Automation and Test, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 146-149, Apr. 2009.

[121] M. C. Lu, J. F. Chang, L. C. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "Miniature 60-GHz-Band Bandpass Filter with 2.55-dB Insertion-Loss Using Standard 0.13 mm CMOS Technology," IEEE VLSI Design, Automation and Test, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 92-95, Apr. 2009.

[122] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, P. L. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "A Micromachined V-Band CMOS Bandpass Filter with 2-dB Insertion-Loss Department," IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 1590-1593, May 2009.

[123] W. L. Hsu, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and J. F. Chang, "A 9.3-GHz-Tuning-Range, 58-GHz CMOS Direct Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Input-Power- Matching Technique," IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 1846-1849, May 2009.

[124] M. C. Lu, J. F. Chang, L. C. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "1.75-dB Insertion-Loss UWB BP-Filter with Finite Transmission Zeros Using Standard 0.18 μm CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2009.

[125] Y. T. Chiu, J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "X-Band Low Noise Amplifier using 0.18 μm CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2009.

[126] C. Z. Chen, T. Y. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A Low-Power Excellent Sensitivity 64.76 GHz CMOS Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Shunt-Peaking Technique," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2009.

[127] A. C. Hsu, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A 24 GHz Down Conversion Mixer Using 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2009.

[128] C. W. Tsou, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "An Ultra Wideband Double-Balanced Mixer in 0.13 mm RF CMOS Technology," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2009.

[129] H. C. Chung, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "0.18 mm CMOS UWB LNA with high gain and 3.5-4.7 dB noise figure", Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2009.


[130] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, C. Z. Chen, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "A Miniature Micro-machined Millimeter-wave Bandpass Filter By CMOS Compatible ICP Deep-Trench Technology," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 399-402, Jan. 2008.

[131] A. Chen, H. B. Liang, Y. Baeyens, Y. K. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Broadband Millimeter-Wave Low-Noise Amplifier in SiGe BiCMOS," IEEE Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 86-89, Jan. 2008.

[132] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, H. Y. Yang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 2.5-dB NF 3.1-10.6-GHz CMOS UWB LNA with Small Group-Delay-Variation," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA., 501-504, Jun. 2008.

[133] A. Chen, H. B. Liang, Y. Baeyens, J. Lin, Y. K. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "Wideband Mixed Lumped-distributed-element 90° and 180° Power Splitters on Silicon Substrate for Millimeter-wave Applications," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA., 449-452, Jun. 2008.

[134] H. Y. Yang, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, and S. S. Wong, "A Low-Power V-Band CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier Using Current-Sharing Technique," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 964-967, May 2008.

[135] P. K. Tsai, T. H. Huang, and Y. S. Lin, "Integration of CMOS VCO and frequency divider for Ku-band low-power frequency synthesizer," International Conf. on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Dalian, China, pp. 235-238, Jun. 2008.

[136] C. C. Hsiao, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Low-Power CDR for Wireless Sensor Network Applications", RFID Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2008.

[137] C. C. Chen, Y. H. Chou, Y. S. Lin, and J. G. Chen, "A CMOS OOK Transceiver for RFID Applications", RFID Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2008.

[138] W. L. Hsu, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Ka-band Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Shunt-Peaking Technique," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2008.

[139] F. C. Chang, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "Ka band Wide Locked Range Frequency Divider," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2008.

[140] C. C. Hsiao, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A Low Data Rate CDR for bio-sensor receiver application," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2008.

[141] T. H. Chang, C. Z. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "On the use of inversion-mode MOS Varactors for Ka band VCO," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2008.

[142] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "A 5.8GHz Fully Integrated Low-Phase-Noise CMOS VCO," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2008.

[143] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "A High-Performance Wideband CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier Using Inductive Series and Parallel Peaking Techniques," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2008.

[144] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, J. F. Chang, and J. H. Lee, "A K-Band Low-Noise Amplifier Using Shunt RC-Feedback and Series Inductive-Peaking Techniques," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2008.


[145] C. Z. Chen, J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "An Excellent Phase- Linearity 3.1-10.6 GHz CMOS UWB LNA Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2007.

[146] J. F. Chang, Y. S. Lin, C. Z. Chen, C. C. Chen, P. F. Yeh, P. L. Huang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "Ultra-Low-Loss and Broadband Micromachined Inductors and Transformers for 30-100 GHz CMOS RFIC Applications by CMOS-Compatible ICP Deep Trench Technology," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Long Beach, California, USA, pp. 225-228, Jan. 2007.

[147] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, C. Z. Chen, and P. F. Yeh, "High-Coupling and Ultra-Low-Loss Interlaced Stacked Transformers for 60-100 GHz CMOS RFIC Applications," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Long Beach, California, USA, pp. 357-360, Jan. 2007.

[148] Y. H. Tsou, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A CPGS Inductor for RFIC Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, May 2007.

[149] H. Y. Fang, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A 5GHz Fully Integrated Low Power CMOS VCO," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, May 2007.

[150] Y. C. Lin, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A study of Intra-Body Signal Transmission For Instantaneous Health-Monitor-System Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, May 2007.

[151] P. K. Tsai, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "Ku-band Voltage- Controlled Oscillator and Injection-Locked Frequency Divider for Frequency Synthesizer Application," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, May 2007.

[152] J. H. Lee, C. C. Chen, C. Z. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A 3.1-10.6- GHz Ultra-Wideband CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier Utilizing Inductive Series And Shunt Peaking Techniques," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, May 2007.


[153] S. H. Yen Y. S. Lin, and C. C. Chen, "A Ka-Band Low Noise Amplifier Using Standard 0.18 mm CMOS Technology for Ka-Bnad Communication System Applications," IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 317-319, 2006.

[154] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "An Ultra-Low- Loss Micromachined RF Monolithic Transformer with Partial Pattern Ground Shields (PPGS) for UWB RFIC Applications," IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 1421-1424, 2006.

[155] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "High-Quality-Factor and Low-Power-Loss Micromachined RF Bifilar Transformer for UWB RFIC Applications," International Solid-State Devices and Materials Conference, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 798-799, 2006.

[156] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, Y. R. Tzeng, and H. B. Liang , "An Analysis of Layout and Temperature Effects on Magnetic-Coupling Factor, Resistive-Coupling Factor, and Power Gain Performances of RF Transformers for RFIC Applications," International Solid-State Devices and Materials Conference, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 522-523, 2006.

[157] Y. S. Lin, Z. H. Yang, C. C. Chen, and T. C. Chao, "Design and Implementation of a Miniaturized +8 dBm IIP3 3-5 GHz UWB CMOS LNA," National Communication Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 127, 2006.

[158] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, H. B. Liang, and M. S. Huang, "Analyses and Wideband Modeling (DC-to-50GHz) of Various Dummy Devices For Accurate RF Devices and ICs De-embedding Applications," National Communication Conference, Kaohsiung county, Taiwan, pp. 261, 2006.

[159] H. B. Liang, Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, and J. H. Lee, "Optimization of PGS Pattern of Transformers/Inductors in Standard RF BiCMOS Technology for RFIC Applications," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, San Francisco, USA, pp. 11-14, 2006.

[160] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of Perfect- Magnetic-Coupling Ultra-Low-Loss Micromachined SMIS RF Transformers for RFIC Applications," IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, pp. 55-58, San Diego, USA, 2006.

[161] Y. S. Lin, and S. C. Chen, and S. B. Chang, "Analysis and Design of LNA and VCO With Transformer Feedback Loop," IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation, and Test, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 299-300, 2006.

[162] S. H. Yen, and Y. S. Lin, "Design and Implementation of a DC-to-17-GHz UWB SiGe LNA with a Peaking Inductor," IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation, and Test, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 87-88, 2006.

[163] W. S. Liao, Y. S. Lin, T. C. Chao, C. H. Chen, and S. S. Lu, "A 1-to-12 GHz Distributed Amplifier Designed by Micromachined Inductors," Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT), Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 121, 2006.

[164] S. H. Yen, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "An Ultra-Wideband (3.1 – 10.6 GHz) Matched SiGe LNA Using Multiple Feedback-Loops, Transistor’s Intrinsic Base-Collector Capacitor, and Inductive Peaking Technique," Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT), Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 114, 2006.

[165] Z. H. Yang, Y. S. Lin, and Y. R. Tzeng, "A low-power 0.18 mm CMOS LNA for Ultra-Wideband Frontends," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu,Taiwan, pp. 119, 2006.

[166] Z. H. Yang, Y. S. Lin, and Y. R. Tzeng, "Design and Implementation of a 3-5 GHz UWB CMOS LNA," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan., pp. 118, 2006.

[167] P. F. Yeh, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "Single-turn Multiple-layer Interlaced Stacked (SMIS) Transformer for Millimeter Wave Application," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 116, 2006.

[168] P. F. Yeh, and Y. S. Lin, "A Wide Variable Inductance Inductor for 2-4 GHz VCO Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 117, 2006.

[169] M. H. Huang, and Y. S. Lin, "A 3-5 GHz CMOS Ultra-Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Using Inductive Peaking Technique," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 115, 2006.

[170] J. F. Chang, and Y. S. Lin, "Miniaturized Inductors for Millimeter Wave Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 120, 2006.

[171] M. H. Huang, and Y. S. Lin, "An Analysis of High-Coupling Factor Interlaced- Stacked Transformers with Various Turn Ratio for RFIC Applications," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, pp. 116, 2006.

[172] S. B. Chang, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "Study of achievable optimized performance of variable inductance inductor with cantilever-beam," Symposium on Nano Device Technology, pp. 56, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, 2006.


[173] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, and Y. R. Tzeng, "Implementation of Perfect- Magnetic-Coupling Ultra-Low-Loss Transformer in Standard RFCMOS Technology," IEEE Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, pp. 435-438, Hong-Kong, China, 2005.

[174] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, H. W. Chiu, K. Liu, H. H. Wu, S. S. Lu, and M. S. Lin, "Wideband Modeling of Temperature and Substrate Effects in RF Inductors on Silicon for 3.1-10.6 GHz UWB System Applications," IEEE Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, pp. 47-50, Hong-Kong, China, 2005.

[175] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, J. L. Chen, K. H. Chen, and S. S. Lu, "Variable Inductance Planar Spiral Inductors and CMOS Wideband Amplifiers with Inductive Peaking," IEEE Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, pp. 63-66, Hong-Kong, China, 2005.

[176] Y. R. Tzeng, Y. S. Lin, and H. B. Liang, "Characterization and Modeling of High-Coupling-Factor Low-Loss Stacked 3-D Transformers," Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, pp. 44, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2005.

[177] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, and H. B. Liang, "Temperature and Size Effects on the Performances of RF S-Parameters, and Noise and Power Parameters of GaInP-GaAs HBTs for 3.1-10.6 GHz UWB Applications," Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, pp. 58, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2005.

[178] S. H. Yen, Y. S. Lin, and H. B. Liang, "An Analysis of Silicon Substrate Effects in LNA for 60 GHz WLAN Applications," Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, pp. 34, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2005.

[179] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, S. C. Chen, and M. S. Huang, "An Analysis of Layout on the Noise Figure and Q-factor Performances of Circular Planar Spiral Inductors," Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, pp. 21, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2005.

[180] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "MEMS 3-D Stacked RF Transformers Fabricated by 0.18 mm MS/RF CMOS technology With Improved Power Loss and Noise Figure Performances," Solid-Stae Devices and Materials Conference, Kobe, Japan, pp. 606-607, 2005.

[181] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, C. C. Chen, J. L. Chen, and S. S. Lu, "Small-Signal Intrinsic Base Resistance Effect on InP-InGaAs, InGaP-GaAs, and SiGe HBTs," IEEE Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, pp. 65-66, 2005.

[182] S. S. Lu, T. Wang, and Y. S. Lin, "High-performance Fully Integrated 4 GHz CMOS LC VCO in Standard 0.25-mm CMOS Technology," Emerging Information Technology Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 157-160, 2005.

[183] H. B. Liang, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "Wide-band Modeling and an Analysis of Noise Figure of Monolithic RF Inductors on Silicon Substrate," Symposium on Nano-Device Technology, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 249-252, 2005.

[184] H. B. Liang, Y. S. Lin, J. N. Yeh, G. W. Huang, and S. S. Lu, "Wide-Band Modeling of Temperature Effect on Differentially Symmetrical 4-port Transformer on Silicon," Symposium on Nano-Device Technology, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 253-256, 2005.

[185] J. L. Chen, Y. S. Lin, K. H. Chen, and G. W. Huang, "An Analysis of Substrate Resistance Effects on S-Parameters, fT, fmax, and NF Performances of 0.18 mm RF MOSFETs," Symposium on Nano-Device Technology, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, pp. 245-248, 2005.


[186] K. N. Liao, Y. S. Lin, and H. B. Liang, "A 2.4/5.7 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band SiGe BiCMOS LNA," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 291-296, 2004.

[187] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, K. N. Liao, and W. H. Liao, "A 5 GHz Mixer for WLAN Application Using SiGe Technology," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 347-350, 2004.

[188] K. N. Liao, Y. S. Lin, and S. C. Chen, "A Low-Power and Low-Phase-Noise SiGe VCO at 5-GHz Band Frequencies," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 407-410, 2004.

[189] H. B. Liang, Y. S. Lin, J. L. Chen, and W. H. Liao, "Optimization of RF Stacked Spiral Inductors, Two-in-One Planar Inductor and Their Applications to Wireless Circuit Design," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 373-378, 2004.

[190] K. H. Chen, Y. S. Lin, J. L. Chen, and K. N. Liao, "A CMOS Wideband Amplifier with Capacitive and Inductive Peaking Technique for WLAN Applications," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 214-217, 2004.

[191] C. C. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and W. H. Liao, "The Switched Multi-Band LNA in 0.18 mm CMOS Technology," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 379-384, 2004.

[192] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Chen, S. C. Chen, and S. S. Lu, "A Miniaturized Monolithic Low Noise Amplifier for 2.4/5.2/5.7 GHz WLAN Applications Using InGaP/ GaAs HBT Technology," IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Advanced System Integrated Circuits, Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 292-295, 2004.

[193] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of the Bias Dependence of Scattering Parameters S11 and S22 of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs)," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Fort Woth, Texas, USA, pp. 611-614, 2004.

[194] Y. S. Lin, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "Temperature-Dependence of Noise Figure of Monolithic RF Transformers on a Thin (20 mm) Silicon Substrate," IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, pp. 103-106, Atlanta, USA, 2004.

[195] Y. S. Lin, Jien-Nan Yeh, and Si-Chang Chen, "An Analysis of Small-Signal Source-Body Resistance Effect on RF Power MOSFETs for 5-GHz Band WLAN Applications," IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, pp. 99-102, Atlanta, USA, 2004.

[196] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, and G. W. Huang, "Temperature Induced Substrate Effect in Monolithic RF Active and Passive Devices on Silicon," International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, China, pp. 101-104, 2004.

[197] Y. S. Lin, and S. H. Wu, "Temperature and Substrate Thickness Dependence of Q and NF in High-Q Broadband Spiral Inductors for CMOS RF MEMSOC Applications," International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, China, pp. 105-108, 2004.

[198] K. N. Liaw, and Y. S. Lin, "A Monolithic Differential VCO for 5 GHz-Band Applications using InGap/GaAs HBT Techology," Cross Strait Triple Radio & Wireless Conference, Hsin-Feng, Taiwan, pp. 11-14, 2004.

[199] K. N. Liaw, and Y. S. Lin, "S-band/C-band Current Dual-Band LNA with 0.35 mm SiGe BiCMOS Technology," Cross Strait Triple Radio & Wireless Conference, Hsin-Feng, Taiwan, pp. 15-18, 2004.

[200] T. H. Lee, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "Characterization and Modeling of High-Performance Monolithic Inductors with Halo Substrate Contact Pattern Shield," Symposium on Nano Devices Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 210-213, 2004.

[201] T. H. Lee, and Y. S. Lin, "Study of Monolithic Symmetric Inductors on Silicon with Various Tapered Line Widths," Symposium on Nano Devices Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 325-328, 2004.

[202] S. H. Wu, H. B. Liang, and Y. S. Lin, "Area-Efficient 3D Inductors with 6μm- Thick Top Metal for RF-IC Applications," Symposium on Nano Devices Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 364-367, 2004.

[203] K. N. Liao, Y. S. Lin, and G. W. Huang, "A Comprehensive Study of Temperature (-25~175oC) Effect on 2.4/5.7 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band InGaP/ GaAs LNA," Symposium on Nano Devices Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 360-363, 2004.

[204] K. H. Chen, Y. S. Lin, and J. L. Chen, "Temperature and Bias Effect of Silicon Substrate Resistance Effect in 4-T RF CMOS,"Symposium on Nano Devices Technology (SNDT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 337-340, 2004.

[205] C. C. Chen, and Y. S. Lin, "Study of Temperature Effect on an InGaP/GaAs HBT LNA suitable for 0.9/1.8/2.4 Multi-Band applications," Symposium on Nano Devices Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 334-336, 2004.


[206] T. H. Lee and Y. S. Lin, "A 3 mW Concurrent Dual-Band Low Noise Amplifier for WLAN in 0.18 mm CMOS," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2003.

[207] H. B. Liang and Y. S. Lin, "A 5.2 GHz Low Noise Amplifier with Substrate Thinning and Thick Gold-Plated Inductor," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2003.

[208] T. H. Lee, Y. S. Lin, and S. S. Lu, "Analysis and Design of CMOS Wide- BAND Amplifier With Multiple Feedback Loops," National Symposium on Telecommunications, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2003.

[209] Y. S. Lin, T. H. Lee, and H. B. Liang, "A Comprehensive Analysis of the Temperature Effects on the Scattering parameters and Gain Performances of a 100 nm RF nMOSFET," Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 140-141, 2003.

[210] Y. S. Lin, "An Analysis of RF Scattering Parameters, Noise and Power Performances of RF Power MOS in 0.15 mm CMOS Technology for RF SOC Applications," Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, Keelung, Taiwan, R.O.C, pp. 104-105, 2003.

[211] T. H. Lee, Y. S. Lin, H. Y. Tu, D. S. Chou, and S. S. Lu, "Temperature- Dependence of DC and RF Characteristics of E-mode Ga0.51In0.49P/ In0.15Ga0.85As pHEMTs," Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 261-264, 2003.

[212] Y. S. Lin, H. W. Chiu, S. H. Wu, and S. S. Lu, "Characterization and Modeling of High Q-Factor, High Resonant Frequency Spiral Inductors with 6 mm thick Top-Metal for RF-IC Applications," Solid-Stae Devices and Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 2003.

[213] Y. S. Lin, H. Y. Tu, D. S. Chou, and S. S. Lu, "DC, and RF Scattering Parameters, Noise and Power Characteristics of Enhancement-Mode In0.51Ga0.49P/ In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs Power pHEMT’s," IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, pp. 223-224, San Diego, USA, 2003.

[214] Y. S. Lin, K. N. Liao, and S. S. Lu, "Characterization and Modeling of the Anomalous Dip in Scattering Parameter S11 of InGaP/GaAs HBTs," IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, pp. 209-210, San Diego, USA, 2003.

[215] Y. S. Lin, H. Y. Tu, H. W. Chiu, and S. S. Lu, "Characterization and Modeling of Size Effect on the Performances of 0.10 mm RF MOSFETs for SOC Applications," IEEE Radio-Frequency Integrated-Circuits, pp. 543-546, Philadelphia, USA, 2003.

[216] Y. S. Lin, T. H. Lee, H. B. Liang, and S. S. Lu, "Characterization and Modeling of 100 nm RF Generic CMOS and 500 nm RF Power CMOS," IEEE VLSI Technology, System and Applications, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, 2003.


[217] Y. S. Lin, S. S. Lu, T. H. Lee, and H. B. Liang, "Characterization and Modeling of Small-Signal Substrate Resistance Effect in RF CMOS," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Seattle, USA, pp. 315-318, 2002.

[218] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of Small-Signal Gate-Drain Resistance Effect on RF Power MOSFETs for SOC Applications," International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 211-214, 2002.

[219] Y. S. Lin, C. C. Wu, C. S. Chang, R. P. Yang, W. M. Chen, J. J. Liaw, and C. H. Diaz, "Low-leakage 0.11 mm CMOS for Low-Power RF-ICs and SRAMs Applications," Solid-State Device Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, 2002.

[220] Y. S. Lin, H. Y. Tu, and S. S. Lu, "A Comprehensive Analysis of the Kink Phenomenon in Scattering Parameter S22 and S21 of GaInP/GaAs HBTs," Solid-State Device Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, 2002.

[221] Y. S. Lin, S. S. Lu and C. C. Chen, "Characterization and Modeling of High- Output-Power Microwave Ga0.51In0.49P/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Doped-Channel FETs," Taiwan-Japan Symposium on SQUID & Communication Electronics, Yuanlin, Taiwan, 2002.

[222] Y. S. Lin and T. H. Lee, "High Performance Micro-machined Tapered Spiral Inductors with Resonant Frequency of 17 GHz," 2002 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on SQUID & Communication Electronics, Yuanlin, Taiwan, R.O.C.

[223] Y. S. Lin, H. B. Liang, and S. S. Lu, "An Analysis of the Kink Effect of Scattering Parameter S22 in RF Power MOSFETs for System-On-Chip (SOC) Applications," 2002 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on SQUID & Communication Electronics, Yuanlin, Taiwan, R.O.C.

[224] T. H. Lee and Y. S. Lin, "A High-Performance 5.2 GHz CMOS LNA with Novel Substrate Contact Structure and Shield Pads," National Symposium on Telecommunications, vol. II, pp.252-257, Puli, Taiwan, 2002.

[225] H. M. Hsu, J. G. Su, Y. S. Lin, M. H. Tseng, J. C. H. Lin, J. Y. C. Sun, D. Tang, T. T. Yang, T. S. Tu, L. F. Lin, "High Q Broadband Copper Spiral Inductors with Q=45 on Proton-bombarded Semi-insulating Silicon Substrate," IEEE Asia- Pacific Microwave Conference, pp. 113-116, 2002.


[226] Y. S. Lin, H. M. Hsu, T. H. Lee, and H. B. Liang, "Effects of Geometric Structure and Temperature on the Performance of Spiral Inductors," Electron Device and Material Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 475-476, 2001.

[227] Y. S. Lin, H. T. Huang, C. C. Wu, Y. K. Leung, H. Y. Pan, T. E. Chang, W. M. Chen, J. J. Liaw, and C. H. Diaz, "On the SiO2 Based Gate-Dielectric Scaling Limit for Low-Standby Power Applications in the Context of a 0.13 mm CMOS Logic Technology," International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, Devices & Systems, Singapore, 2001.


[228] S. S. Lu, and Y. S. Lin, "Single-Voltage-supply Operation of GaInP/InGaAs Doped Channel FET's for Wireless Communication," IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, Nara, Japan, Oct. 1998.

[229] Y. S. Lin, and S. S.Lu, "High-Power High-Speed Ga0.51In0.49P/InxGa1-xAs Doped Channel FET’s," IEEE International Conference on Indium-Phosphide and Related Materials, Hyannis, Massachusetts, USA, 1997.

[230] S. S. Lu and Y. S. Lin, "Fabrication and Simulation of Ga0.51In0.49P/InxGa1-xAs Doped Channel FET’s and MMIC Amplifiers Grown by GSMBE," IEEE Device Research Conference, Colorado, USA, 1997.

[231] Y. S. Lin and S. S. Lu, "High-Breakdown-Voltage High-Speed Ga0.51In0.49P/ In0.2Ga0.8As Doped Channel FET’s Using Triple-Recessed Gate Structure," IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, San Diego, USA, 1997.

[232] Y. S. Lin, Y. J. Wang, S. S. Lu and C. C. Meng, "Simulation and Fabrication of High Performance Ga0.51In0.49P/GaAs MISFET’s Grown by GSMBE," IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, Orlando, U.S.A, 1996.

[233] Y. S. Lin and S. S. Lu, "High-Frequency High-Breakdown-Voltage Ga0.51In0.49P Channel MISFET’s Grown by GSMBE," International Infrared and Millimeter Waves Conference, Berlin, Germany, 1996.

[234] Y. S. Lin and S. S. Lu, "Study of Influence of Extrinsic Capacitances on High- Frequency Performance of Ga0.51In0.49P/GaAs MISFETs," IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, 1996.

[235] Y. S. Lin, S. S. Lu and T. P. Sun, "Ga0.51In0.49P/GaAs Differential Amplifier for High Frequency Application," International Infrared and Millimeter Waves Conference, Orlando, USA, 1995.

[236] S. S. Lu and Y. S. Lin, "High-Power Ga0.51In0.49P/GaAs Airbridge Gate MISFET Grown by GSMBE," IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, 1995.

[237] Y. S. Lin, G. Y. Wu and K. M. Hung, "Theoretical Study of Hole Tunneling Under a Transverse Magnetic Field," Annual Meeting of R.O.C. Physical Society, 1993.

CBooks and Chapters of Books (專書及專書專章)

[1] 林佑昇、邱弘緯、梁效彬著"RFID 晶片設計",高立圖書公司發行,2011年出版.

[2] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu, "Micromachined Devices for Wireless Communication (chapter 7 of the book: Novel Technologies for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications)," Kluwar Academic Publishers, 2004.

[3] 林佑昇及呂學士著, "微機電系統技術與應用第二章:基礎微加工製程模組"國科會精儀中心發行2003年出版

[4] "The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication," by Stephen A. Campbell, Oxford University Press, USA, 2001, translated by Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu (林佑昇及呂學士譯,"半導體製程 (Stephen A. Campbell 原著)",台北圖書公司發行,2003年出版).

[5] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu, "Basic Micromachining Process Modules (chapter 2 of the book: MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) Technology and Application)", Published by Instrument Technology Research Center, National Applied Research (NAR) Laboratories, Taiwan, Jul. 2003 (林佑昇及呂學士著, "微機電系統技術與應用第二章:基礎微加工製程模組",國科會精儀中心發行,2003年出版).

[6] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu, "Micromachined Devices for Wireless Communication (chapter 7 of the book: Novel Technologies for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications)," Kluwar Academic Publishers, 2004.

[7] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Chien-Nan Yeh, "Featured Article: Fabrication and Applications of Inductors and Transformers," Journal of Chinese Institute of Automation Engineers, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 30-38, Sep. 2004 (林佑昇及葉建男,"專題文章:電感器及變壓器之研製與應用",中華民國自動化科技學會會刊, pp. 30-38, vol. 4, no. 3, 2004).

[8] "Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design," third edition, by Donald A. Neamen, The McGraw Hill Companies, USA, 2006, translated by Yo-Sheng Lin, Ron-Chi Yang, and Chi-Wei Liu (林佑昇、楊榮吉及劉致為譯(呂學士及劉深淵審閱)"微電子學()&()(第三版)",滄海書局發行,2007年出版).

[9] Chi-Chen Chen, Yo-Sheng Lin, and Guo-Wei Huang, "Featured Article 7: Design of a K-Band Receiver Front-End with High Isolation," Nano Communications, vol. 17, no. 2, Jun. 2010 (陳志成、林佑昇及黃國威,"主題文章7:應用於K頻段之高隔離度射頻接收機前端電路設計",奈米通訊,17卷,No.2pp. 36-4120106月。

[10] Yo-Sheng Lin, Hung-Wei Chiu, and Hsiao-Bin Liang, "RFID Chip Design," Gau Lih Book Co., Ltd., 2010 (林佑昇、邱弘緯、梁效彬著,"RFID 晶片設計",高立圖書公司發行,2010年出版).

[11] Jen-How Lee, Yong-Chin Chen, Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu, "A 21~27 GHz CMOS Receiver Front-End with a Novel Double-Balanced Mixer and an Integrated Balun for Automobile Radar Systems," Nano Communications, vol. 19, no. 3, Sep. 2012 (李仁豪、陳永親、林佑昇及呂學士,"用於汽車雷達系統的一個具有新型雙平衡式混波器並整合平衡器之21~27GHz CMOS接收機前端電路",奈米通訊,19卷,No.320129).

[12] Yo-Sheng Lin, "Ultra-Wideband Circuits, Systems, and Applications," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2012, Article ID 567230, 2 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/567230

DTechnical Reports and others (技術報告及其他)

[1] Yo-Sheng Lin, "Ultra-Wideband Circuits, Systems, and Applications," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2012, Article ID 567230, 2 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/567230.

[2] 李仁豪、陳永親、林佑昇及呂學士,"用於汽車雷達系統的一個具有新型雙平衡式混波器並整合平衡器之21~27GHz CMOS接收機前端電路"奈米通訊,19卷,No. 3pp. 8-1420129

[3] 陳志成、林佑昇及黃國威,"主題文章7:應用於K頻段之高隔離度射頻接收機前端電路設計"奈米通訊,17卷,No. 2pp. 36-4120106月。

[4] 林佑昇及葉建男"專題文章:電感器及變壓器之研製與應用"中華民國自動化科技學會會刊pp. 30-38vol. 4no. 32004

[5] 林佑昇楊榮吉及劉致為譯(呂學士及劉深淵審閱)"微電子學(Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, third edition, by Donald A. Neamen, The McGraw Hill Companies, USA, 2006)",滄海書局發行,2007年出版

[6]林佑昇及呂學士譯"半導體製程(The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, by Stephen A. Campbell, Oxford University Press, USA, 2001)"台北圖書公司發行2003年出版

EPatents (專利)

[1] 林佑昇、藍楷翔、陳柏舜,"單刀雙擲開關裝置",中華民國專利,證書號數:I825724 (核准日期:1121211)

[2] Yo-Sheng Lin, Kai-Siang Lan, and Bo-Shun Chen, "Power Divider", US patent 11,848,476B2 (Date of patent: December 19, 2023).

[3] Jin-Fa Chang, and Yo-Sheng Lin, "Transistor and Amplifier Thereof", US patent 11699980 B2 (Date of patent: July 11, 2023).

[4] 林佑昇、藍楷翔、陳柏舜,"功率分配器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I804901 (日期:112611)

[5] 林佑昇、藍楷翔,"功率分配器/結合器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I796657 (日期:112321)

[6] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Power Divider/Combiner", US patent 11611136 B2 (Date of patent: March 21, 2023).

[7] 張錦法、林佑昇"電晶體及其放大器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I785757 (日期:111121)

[8] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Down-Conversion Mixer", US patent 11533021 B1 (Date of patent: December 20, 2022).

[9] 林佑昇、藍楷翔,"降頻混頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I780862 (日期:1111011)

[10] 林佑昇、藍楷翔,"功率分配器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I747460 (日期:1101121)

[11] 林佑昇藍楷翔"功率分配/結合裝置",中華民國專利,證書號數:I730354 (日期:110611)

[12] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Power Divider", US patent 11,205,830B1 (Date of patent: December 21, 2021).

[13] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Power Divider/Combiner", US patent 10,886,591B1 (Date of patent: January 5, 2021).

[14] 林佑昇、王獻禧,"射頻收發前端電路",中華民國專利,證書號數:I692214 (日期:109421)

[15] 林佑昇藍楷翔"降頻混頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I692209 (日期:109421)

[16] 林佑昇藍楷翔"除三注入鎖定除頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I692205 (日期:109421)

[17] 林佑昇、葉啟泓,"射頻/直流轉換器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I690131 (日期:10941)

[18] 林佑昇、藍楷翔"降頻混頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I686054 (日期:109221)

[19] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Injection Locked Frequency Divider", US patent 10771064B1 (Date of patent: September 8, 2020).

[20] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Down-Conversion Mixer", US patent 10651794B1 (Date of patent: May 12, 2020).

[21] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Chi-Hung Yeh, "Radio-Frequency/Direct-Current Converter", US patent 10651763B2 (Date of patent: May 12, 2020).

[22] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Down-Conversion Mixer", US patent 10630270B1 (Date of patent: Apr. 21, 2020).

[23] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Power Amplifier Device", US patent 10630250B2 (Date of patent: Apr. 21, 2020).

[24] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Xian-Xi Wang, "Radio-Frequency Transceiver Front-End Circuit", US patent 10547345B2 (Date of patent: January 28, 2020).

[25] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Injection Locked Frequency Divider", US patent 10491227B1 (Date of patent: November 26, 2019).

[26] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Chien-Chin Wang, "Wireless Power Transfer System and a Wireless Power Receiver Thereof", US patent 10476309B2 (Date of patent: November 12, 2019).

[27] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Ching-Chiang Chen, "Down-Conversion Mixer", US patent 10439574B2 (Date of Patent: October 8, 2019).

[28] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Xian-Xi Wang, "Radio-Frequency Transceiver Front-End Circuit", US patent 10419060B1 (Date of Patent: September 17, 2019).

[29] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Jin-You Liao, "Voltage-Controlled Oscillator", US patent 10389302B2 (Date of Patent: August 20, 2019).

[30] Yo-Sheng Lin, Jin-You Liao, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Multi-Order Wave Voltage Controlled Oscillator", US patent 10333466B2 (Date of Patent: June 25, 2019).

[31] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shao-Siang Wang, "Injection Locked Frequency Divider", US patent 10326459B1 (Date of Patent: June 18, 2019).

[32] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Wei-Hsiang Tseng, "Digital Modulating Device, Frequency Doubling Modulator Thereof and Frequency Doubler", US patent 10305427B2 (Date of Patent: May 28, 2019).

[33] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Ching-Hung Peng, "Mixer", US patent 10298176B2 (Date of Patent: May 21, 2019).

[34] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Radio-Frequency Transceiver Front-End Circuit", US patent 10291282B1 (Date of Patent: May 14, 2019).

[35] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Yu-Ching Lin, "Voltage-Controlled Oscillator", US patent 10263564B2 (Date of Patent: April 16, 2019).

[36] Yo-Sheng Lin, Kai-Siang Lan, and Jin-You Liao, "Voltage Controlled Oscillator", US patent 10250188B2 (Date of Patent: April 2, 2019).

[37] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Yang-Yun Lai, "Power Converter", US patent 10218270B1 (Date of Patent: Feb 26, 2019).

[38] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Jin-You Liao, "Multi-Way Power Amplifier Circuit", US patent 10205427B2 (Date of Patent: Feb. 12, 2019).

[39] 林佑昇、藍楷翔"多路射頻功率放大裝置",中華民國專利,證書號數:I655843 (日期:10841)

[40] 林佑昇、賴暘允"電源轉換裝置及回授控制電路",中華民國專利,證書號數:I660568 (日期:108521)

[41] 林佑昇、藍楷翔"射頻收發機前端電路",中華民國專利,證書號數:I663842 (日期:108621)

[42] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Van-Kien Nguyen, "Radio Frequency Power Amplifier", US patent 10116277B2 (Date of Patent: Oct. 30, 2018).

[43] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Chien-Chin Wang, "Power Amplifier Circuit", US patent 10116276B2 (Date of Patent: Oct. 30, 2018).

[44] Yo-Sheng Lin, Ho-Ru Pan, and Shao-Chun Liao, "Down-Conversion Mixer", US patent 10110167B2 (Date of Patent: Oct. 23, 2018).

[45] Yo-Sheng Lin, Yun-Wen Lin, and Ming-Huang Kao, "Power Amplifying Converter", US patent 10103707B2 (Date of Patent: Oct. 16, 2018).

[46] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Kai-Siang Lan, "Wireless Sensor and Machine Tool Including The Same", US patent 10056789B2 (Date of Patent: Aug. 21, 2018).

[47] 林佑昇藍楷翔,"注入鎖定除頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I645677 (日期:1071221)

[48] 林佑昇王紹祥,"除三注入鎖定除頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I645678 (日期:1071221)

[49] 林佑昇陳靖強,"降頻混頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I641230 (日期:1071111)

[50] 林佑昇曾暐翔,"數位調變裝置及其數位調變倍頻器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I639328 (日期:1071021)

[51] 林佑昇廖晉佑,"多路功率放大電路",中華民國專利,證書號數:I632769 (日期:107811)

[52] 林佑昇藍楷翔及廖晉佑,"一種壓控振盪器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I628913 (日期:10771)

[53] 林佑昇及藍楷翔,"一種多階波壓控振盪器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I628914 (日期:10771)

[54] 林佑昇、潘厚儒及廖紹鈞,"降頻混波器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I617130 (日期:10731)

[55] 林佑昇及藍楷翔,"具無線充電及無線收發能力的感測裝置",中華民國專利,證書號數:I617147 (日期:10731)

[56] Yo-Sheng Lin, Chien-Chu Chi, and Ching-Hung Peng, "Double Frequency-Shift Keying Modulating Device", US patent US9853635B2 (Date of Patent: Dec. 26, 2017).

[57] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Lun-Ci Liu, "Mixer", US patent US9843290B2 (Date of Patent: Dec. 12, 2017).

[58] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Wei-Cheng Wen, "Voltage-Controlled Oscillator", US patent 9742352B2 (Date of Patent: Aug. 22, 2017).

[59] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Chien-Chin Wang, "Balun for Converting Between Multiple Differential signal Pairs and a single-Ended Signal", US patent 9666929B2 (Date of Patent: May 30, 2017).

[60] Chun-Hao Hu, Chi-Ho Chang, Yo-Sheng Lin, and Ping-Chang Tsao, "Two- Dimensional Antenna Array, One-Dimensional Antenna Array and Single Differential Feeding Antenna", US patent 9614291B2 (Date of Patent: Apr. 4, 2017).

[61] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Sin-Chen Lin, "Low Noise Amplifier", US patent 9608578B2 (Date of Patent: Mar. 28, 2017).

[62] 林佑昇及廖晉佑,"壓控振盪電路",中華民國專利,證書號數:I606688 (日期:1061121)

[63] 林佑昇及王建今,"無線電能傳輸系統",中華民國專利,證書號數:I604678 (日期:106111)

[64] 林佑昇及王建今,"多路射頻功率放大電路",中華民國專利證書號數:I590580 (日期:10671)

[65] 林佑昇及林妤靜,"壓控振盪器",中華民國專利證書號數:I584577 (日期:106521)

[66] 林佑昇、林芸汶及高銘璜"一種功率放大轉換器",中華民國專利證書號數:I583133 (日期:106511)

[67] 林佑昇及彭景弘"降頻混頻器",中華民國專利證書號數:I583128 (日期:106511)

[68] 林佑昇、紀建竹及彭景弘"雙重頻移鍵控調變裝置",中華民國專利證書號數:I578710 (日期:106411)

[69] 林佑昇及阮文堅,"高功率附加效率的射頻功率放大器",中華民國專利證書號數I571048 (日期:106211)

[70] Yo-Sheng Lin, Run-Chi Liu, Chien-Chin Wang, "Balanced Up-Conversion Mixer", US patent 9503022 B2 (Date of Patent: Nov. 22, 2016).

[71] Yo-Sheng Lin, Sin-Chen Lin, Tsung-Hua Li, "Power Amplifier", US patent 9473079B2 (Date of Patent: Oct. 18, 2016).

[72] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Guo-Hao Li, "Mixer Circuit," US patent 9425740B2 (Date of Patent: Aug. 23, 2016).

[73] 林佑昇、林欣晨及紀建竹,"平衡式升頻混頻器",中華民國專利證書號數:I563793 (日期:1051221)

[74] 林佑昇及劉潤齊,"平衡式升頻混頻電路",中華民國專利證書號數:I558097 (公告日:1051111)

[75] 林佑昇及李國豪"混波電路,中華民國專利證書號數:I549422 (公告日:105911)

[76] 林佑昇及溫韙丞,"壓控震盪器"中華民國專利證書號數:I549421 (公告日:105911)

[77] 林佑昇、劉潤齊及王建今"平衡式升頻混頻器,中華民國專利證書號數:I548205 (公告日:10591)

[78] 胡峻豪、張繼禾、林佑昇及曹昺昌"二維天線陣列、一維天線陣列及其單差動饋入天線",中華民國專利證書號數:I547015 (公告日:105821)

[79] 林佑昇王建今及劉潤齊"頻移鍵控解調裝置",中華民國專利證書號數:I544767 (公告日:10581)

[80] 林佑昇林欣晨及李宗樺"射頻功率放大器",中華民國專利證書號數:I542141 (公告日:105711)

[81] 林佑昇及劉潤齊"混頻器",中華民國專利證書號數:I535191


[82] 林佑昇及王建今,"高增益低雜訊放大電路",中華民國專利證書號數:I532312 (公告日:10551)

[83] 林佑昇及王建今,"多差動單端轉換器"中華民國專利證書號數:I517556


[84] Yo-Sheng Lin, Run-Chi Liu, and Chia-Hsing Wu, "Ultra-Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Circuit with Low Power Consumption," US patent 9203349B2 (Date of Patent: Dec. 1, 2015).

[85] Yo-Sheng Lin, Chien-Chin Wang, and Chien-Yu Li, "Frequency-Shift Keying Receiver," US patent 9166848B2 (Date of Patent: Oct. 20, 2015).

[86] 林佑昇、劉潤齊及吳家興,"超寬頻低雜訊低功率損耗放大器電路"中華民國專利"證書號數:I509985 (公告日:1041121)

[87] 林佑昇及王建今,"頻移鍵控接收裝置",中華民國專利,證書號數:I497956 (公告日:104821)

[88] 蔡宗閔、林佑昇及溫韙丞,"平衡式混頻電路",中華民國專利,證書號數:I495258 (公告日:10481)

[89] 李仁豪、林佑昇及溫韙丞,"降頻式混頻電路",中華民國專利,證書號數:I489768 (公告日:104621)

[90] Tzung-Min Tsai, Yo-Sheng Lin, and Wei-Chen Wen, "Balanced Frequency Mixer Circuit," US patent 8829974B2. (Date of Patent: Sep. 9, 2014)

[91] Jen-How Lee, Yo-Sheng Lin, and Wei-Chen Wen, "Down-Conversion Frequency Mixer Circuit," US patent 8803586B1. (Date of Patent: Aug. 12, 2014)

[92] 張錦法及林佑昇"高增益低雜訊放大器",中華民國專利,證書號數:I433454 (公告日:10341)

[93] 廖維軒、林佑昇及曾彥儒,"一種有效的降低半導體矽基板損耗之方法",中華民國專利,證書號數:I255489 (公告日:2006521)

[94] Yo-Sheng Lin, Yi-Ming Sheu, Da-Wen Lin, and Chi-Hsun Hsieh, "Planarizing Method For Fabricating Gate Electrodes," US patent 6670226B2 (Date of Patent: Dec. 30, 2003).

[95] 林佑昇、許義明、林大文及謝奇勳,"具有不同摻質之複晶矽層的製作方法",中華民國專利,公告編號:502315 (日期:2002911).

[96] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Hsien-Tsung Liu, "Method for making Y-Shaped Multi-Fin Stacked Capacitors For Dynamic Random Access Memory Cells," US patent 6083790 (Date of Patent: Jul. 4, 2000).

[97] 林佑昇及劉賢宗,"動態隨機存取記憶體之電容",中華民國專利,公告編號:398072 (日期:2000711).